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Since Olivia and Trevor weren't working on the same side, they didn't have to disclose their relationship to their bosses. Olivia knew that they would not let their relationship get in the middle of cases they worked though, and they were planning on keeping work at work, and their home life at home. But they were both happy. They were in love and didn't see a future without the other being in it.

"I'm fine, I swear!" Olivia exclaimed as she limped into the apartment after a long day at work.

"What the fuck did you do to your leg, Liv?!" Trevor questioned, as he steadied her as she took her boots off.

"Nothing. I just hurt my leg a little. Nothing bad. It will be better in the morning." Olivia replied with a smile. She dropped her boots to the side before slowly limping into the living room. She sank down on the couch as Trevor joined her.

"Olivia, tell me what happened. Now." He ordered. Olivia sighed before grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

"I may or may not have twisted my knee while I was chasing a suspect today..." She trailed off.

"And you didn't go to the hospital?" Trevor questioned. Olivia loved that he was so concerned, but she had gotten hurt before and it never was a big deal. This time it wouldn't be either.

"Because I didn't need too. Baby, I love you and I love that you care so much about me... but I'm fine. I just need to rest my knee tonight and tomorrow I'll be as good as new." Olivia smiled. She leaned close and kissed his lips gently before rubbing his leg.

"I'm not going home tonight. I'm gonna stay here." Trevor spoke. Olivia reached out and caressed his cheek.

"You don't have too, but if you'd like to that's fine." Olivia smiled.

"I'm gonna go get you some ice. So prop your leg up and we will nip this in the bud."


"I'm going to take care of you no matter what. Don't complain or I'll just do more and more until you shut up." He smiled.


By the morning, Olivia's knee had blown up like a balloon. Trevor wasn't told that by his girlfriend, but he saw it when she put slacks on before work. Her knee barely fit in them, and she was limping more and her face was pale.

"We are going to the hospital," Trevor spoke, as he watched Olivia apply barely any weight to her right leg. She was using the furniture and wall to support her as she headed towards the front door.

"I'm fine, Trevor." Olivia breathed.

"No, you aren't. I can see that clearly." Trevor replied, as he walked over and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Trevor, I need to go to work. I'll just work from the precinct. You have trial prep today and you can't miss that. I love you, but I need you to let me go to work." Olivia spoke. She looked up at him and saw so much concern and worry in his eyes that it made tears well in her eyes.

"Don't cry, Liv."

"It hurts so bad... I can't straighten my leg and it almost burns..." She trailed off.

"Okay, I'm taking you to the hospital. They will take x-rays and maybe an MRI. They will figure out what is wrong and start helping you." Trevor spoke, before helping his girlfriend back to the couch.

"Have you messed up your knee before?" Olivia asked as Trevor packed up a few things into one of Olivia's bag so that they had stuff to do while they waited.

"In high school. But don't worry, it will get better. Now, call Captain Cragen while we are in the car."


Trevor waited for a few hours while Olivia got a ton of scans done on her knee. Trevor worked on trial prep while he waited and he tried to not focus on the fact his girlfriend really fucked up her knee.

"How is she?" Elliot asked, as he quickly approached his partner's tree-like boyfriend.

"She's getting an MRI done on her knee right now. Her knee was really swollen this morning and she couldn't straighten it." Trevor spoke as he moved Olivia's bag and sat it by his feet.

"I told her that we should have gone to the hospital, but she ignored me and said she was fine."

"You could see her knee through her pants, Stabler. It's really bad." Trevor sighed. Elliot sat beside him and they both kept glancing at the door. They were both so worried about Olivia because she meant the world to both of them.

"Uh, how's Kathy?" Trevor asked after nearly ten minutes of silence.

"She's tired of being pregnant, but she's getting to the end and everything will be better once that baby is here," Elliot replied. 

"Good. Uh, Olivia and I are trying to figure out a gift to get you guys, but we haven't been able to find the perfect thing." Trevor spoke, as he looked over at Elliot.

"You don't have to get us anything. We still have so many things from the twins." Elliot replied.

"But Olivia really wants to get something special for the baby, and I want to be involved. Maybe have you like me." Trevor said with a nervous laugh.

"It's going to take a while for me to tolerate you. But if you deal with this well, then maybe it won't take as long." Elliot replied. The door opened and Olivia was pushed out into the waiting room in a wheelchair.

"Hey, guys." Olivia groaned as the nurse put the brake on before walking away.

"What's happening?" Trevor asked as he stood and moved closer to his girlfriend.

"I tore my meniscus. They said that I'll have to rest it and go to PT for a while and if it doesn't start feeling better than I'll have to get surgery. Uh, we need to get me home and get my leg up. Also, they said I have to get some prescription pain medicine." Olivia sighed.

"You will get anything you need. I'm going to get talk to the nurse real quick and see where they are sending your prescription. I'll be right back." Trevor spoke. He leaned down and kissed Olivia several times before walking away.

"You guys didn't fight, right?" Olivia asked.

"No. We didn't. And I don't hate him as much now. If you need anything at all, let me know."

"Thanks, El. For not only being here but also for not killing my boyfriend."

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