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"I live out here... I need food as everyone else does." Alex sighed. Olivia shook her head as she tried to not smack her former best friend.

"You should have gotten as far away from here as possible, especially since you didn't even want to raise your son." Olivia frowned, as she grabbed the sleeve of Alex's shirt so she couldn't walk away.

"Olivia, leave me alone. Alright? Because if you don't, I'm going to find your husband and mount him. Trust me." Alex smirked. Olivia slapped her hard across the face and she hated to do that in front of Rosie, but she couldn't stop herself. 

"Never say something like that again, you bitch. You will never threaten my relationship ever again. Now, I'm going to go tell Tanner that you are in town. Have fun trying to flee." Olivia grumbled before she turned around and grabbed the cart. Rosie was sitting motionless in the seat as she kept her head down.

"Mama?" Rosie whispered as they went to the checkout.

"I'm sorry that you had to see that, Rosemarie. I promise to never let you see something like that again. I love you." Olivia spoke, as she reached out and ran her fingers through Rosie's curls.

"Why did you hit Auntie Alex?" Rosemarie sniffled.

"Baby... she said something that she shouldn't have... she never should have said what she had said to me today or the other times. But we should never hit anyone. What I did was wrong, and I'll never do it again." Olivia spoke, before leaning close and kissing her daughter's forehead gently.


Rosie was quiet when they got back to the house, and she went straight to the playroom once she was inside. Olivia carried the bags to the kitchen as she tried to not start bawling. She felt like a horrible mother because she couldn't keep herself in check.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Trevor asked, as he lifted Madison off the counter and she took her juice box to the living room.

"I slapped someone," Olivia whispered, as she set the bags down on the counter.

"What? I thought you were going to just get some groceries!" Trevor exclaimed. Olivia brushed a stray tear from her cheek before speaking.

 "I saw Alex there. I smacked her because she was telling me that if I didn't leave her alone that she'd come and find you. That she'd mount you." Olivia whispered as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Olivia, did Rosie see it?" Trevor asked, and Olivia swallowed hard before nodding.

"I didn't want her to see it... I told her that what I did was wrong... but I never should have done it in the first place. I feel horrible, but then again she deserved it!" Olivia sobbed. Trevor moved around the counter and to his wife. He wrapped his arms around her body and tugged her close. She sobbed into his chest as her body shook like crazy.

"Liv, she hurt you, Tanner, Tucker, and everyone else in this family. She deserved that... and now she deserves to get bitched at by me. So, which store did you see her at?" Trevor asked.

"Who?" Tanner asked as he came into the kitchen with his little boy trailing behind him. Tucker smiled and waved at Olivia and she brushed tears from her cheeks before waving at him.

"Uh, Olivia didn't you want to take Tucker to play with Archie?" Trevor asked, and Olivia swallowed hard before nodding. She moved to her brother-in-law before hugging him tightly.

"I'm so sorry."


Olivia went into the room that Rosie, Madi, and Archie were sharing late that night. She slowly shut the door behind her before slipping towards where Rosie was sleeping. She was just flipping over when she sat up and looked at her mother.

"Mama?" She whispered.

"Hey, Rosie. Are you doing okay?" Olivia asked.

"Mama, I can't sleep..." She breathed.

"Do you want to cuddle?" Olivia breathed, and her daughter nodded. Olivia reached out and lifted her daughter up before carrying her quietly from the room. She took her downstairs quietly and they got situated on the couch as Olivia rubbed her daughter's back.

"Mama, why did Auntie Alex leave?" Rosie whispered.


"No, Mama. Tell me." Rosie huffed, as she leaned back and looked at her mother with angry blue eyes. Olivia saw the female version of her husband looking back at her. Olivia bit her lip hard before speaking.

"Alex doesn't want to be a Mommy... she wants to be by herself, while Uncle Tanner wants to be a Daddy to Tucker. She really doesn't like me either, so that doesn't help." Olivia breathed.

"Why doesn't she like you, Mama? I love you!" Rosemarie exclaimed.

"I know you love me, baby... and I love you too. It's just that Auntie Alex doesn't want what she had before. She wants something different." Olivia breathed. She was wondering if Alex would actually try to sleep with Trevor if she got the chance.

"What does she want?" Rosie whispered as she rested her head back on her mother's chest.


"Mama, I'm a big girl." Rosie huffed, as she climbed off of her mother's lap and stomped towards the stairs.

"You'll know when you are older, Rosie. But for right now, it's something that only adults can know. But please, don't hate me. Or at least don't hate me forever."


Rosie was still angry with her mother, and everyone could tell. She had always been a Mama's girl, but now she was favoring her father just like Madi. No one told the rest of the family about Alex, but they couldn't keep it a secret for long.

"No!" June yelled from the front door. Olivia stood up quickly with both Archie and Tucker and went walking with the rest of the family towards the front door.

"I want my son!" Alex exclaimed, and Olivia went to step back but Alex stopped her.

"Give me my son!" She demanded. She pushed into the house and pulled Archie from Olivia as if he was Tucker. Olivia passed her nephew to whoever was behind her before shaking her head.

"That isn't your son, Alex. You'd know that if you had stayed around. Now, give me Archie."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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