Jobs Jobs Jobs

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After many different rejections for who knows how long, you finally landed a job in a company that deals with cell phones. Even if it isn't your occupation of choice for now, you thought anything could do so you could have enough money to pay for your bills before finding a job you prefer. Despite having your college degree already, finding a job isn't as easy as it seems and rejections are bountiful before landing a job—and chances are, the job isn't what you prefer at the moment. You wished that older people didn't argue back saying that getting jobs would be easy, but if they could fit into the shoes of the young, they wouldn't be saying such nonsense.

You were sitting in the dining hall eating your breakfast. The sun was shining bright through the large windows and red curtains that adorn the right side of the hall. Work starts nine in the morning sharp and you weren't the type to disappoint on the first day. As you were eating your breakfast, the door to your immediate left gradually opened on its own. On the other side of the door, the hallway was a little dark since the hallways near the dining hall scarcely had windows. Plus, the hallway lights don't go on until nighttime when you needed it in order to save money. Your grandparents did pay for the mansion in full, but you still need to pay electric bills, water bills, etc., each month.

Your head swiftly turned to your left and stared at the door and hallway. It was empty. There was not a single soul that was present now other than your own. You'd rather check out what was the problem, so you got out of your seat and walked towards the door. You looked out into the hallway and then behind the door. Nothing.

You then assumed it may have been the air conditioner and went back to eat breakfast. On the other side, the figure peeked out from its hiding spot to watch you eat. If it had a face, they'd be blushing hard at the thought of you being so close to them.

It played scenarios in its head to try to come up to you and introduce themselves to you in a way where it won't spook you:

"Hi! My name is Syn! I'm—"

Before it could finish, you screamed up the top of your lungs and ran out to call for help. Syn would frown and then cry.

Another scenario was:

"Hi! I'm Syn and— Ouch!"

Before it could finish, you screamed and threw objects at the poor shadow and Syn would have to dematerialize in order to have the objects go right through him and shrink back into the shadows.

Many played in its head, but none were optimistic; only realistic such as:


Before it could finish, you screamed the word 'pervert' at it and then ran away with another cute boy next door and married him later. Syn would just watch you at the altar, shrivel up, and cry.

So instead, Syn decided to take some time by showing up bit by bit in your life without materializing first such as moving objects slightly or making your technology freak out for about 30 seconds. However, with your patience of a saint, you weren't disturbed by it and half expected that the mansion may have been haunted. Ghosts didn't disturb you, but what if you knew it was a shadow monster?

No, not a demon, Syn corrected.

Syn looked at the clock on the wall and saw that if you sat around any longer, you'd be running late! Syn moved in the shadows of the furniture and then pinched your left leg so you could quickly turn your head that direction. As you did, you saw the clock and gasped. It was time to go to work and you didn't want to lose your job the moment you finally landed one! You cleaned up your mess and ran out the door.

Although you couldn't see him, Syn was by the window waving and watching you get in your car and drive out on the attic floor. It was smiling.

"Bye-bye, love!" It spoke in a very strange pitch.

Kisses in the Dark (Yandere! Shadow Monster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now