Capitulum 3 - Her Man

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The familiar sudden shock was felt by both parties that they let go of each others' hands faster than a blink. Though, they seemed to regret that decision because they both knew that they wanted to hold each other forever.

Lunox laughs shyly, a pretty light shade of red spreads across her cheeks. Leomord did the same, but he held his nape and turned away from her slightly, hiding his furiously blushing cheeks.

The air seemed so light and comfortable with both of them around. Death and life, together, in one place. What an infrequent circumstance, not only for the both of them, but for everyone who was watching the two different people with peculiar characteristics.

Though the female had saved them from danger, it still doesn't change the way they see her. A strange female with elf-like ears, hair held two colors; black and blonde, and eyes that glow like amethystines under the flames.

As for the odd man that abruptly came out of nowhere with a horse, they thought he was a lot weirder. May it be his raven-black long hair that touched his shoulder blades, his glowing sanguine left eye, or maybe even both. Even the horse he brought with him seemed less normal as it looked like it died came back to life. Its blue glowing eyes made it even odder.

That's the sad truth, though. Because no matter how many times you save or do good to people, if they are judgemental, they will... and will judge you. They will judge you for being different. They will judge you, not knowing that all these different characteristics you have, held tragic stories behind them all.

With no shame left in their bodies, they began whispering their opinions with each other, not minding the obvious fact that the two people they were talking about were still standing in front of them and could still hear their "inaudible" whispers.

"Don't mind them, Lunox," Leomord whispers to the shifting female beside him. She's so affected about whatever others think of her. So fragile.

"They are only envious of what you have," he assures her, a smile on his face.

"Envious of what I have? Me?" she asks, disbelief in her tone.

"Yes. You. These people are only jealous of you."

"Out of all the people... why me? Why should they be jealous of a person like me?"

"Because... because you are beautiful."

She stops, doubting herself if she heard it right.

"Pardon?" she asks, a pretty light blush spreading across her cheeks once again.

He sighs, "you're beautiful. They can see that. I can see that. That's why they are jealous of you."

"..." she was rendered speechless. She never remembered someone being so honest about whatever their thoughts are. But then again, she doesn't remember anything from her bright childhood.

"Lunox?" he asks her, worry lacing in on his tone.

"So... you're jealous of me, too?" she asks him awkwardly, attempting to hide her flaming cheeks from his line of vision.

"Huh...? Why would I be?"

"Because I'm beautiful? That's what you said, right? They see it, you see it. Anyone who sees it, is jealous. So... you are jealous?"

This time, it was his turn to be speechless.

He blinks several times at her face, disbelief was all over his face.

'Seriously...?' he thinks.

"Leomord? Hello?" Lunox waves her hand before his frozen face.

"Huh? What? Is it lunch already?" Leomord asks, still in a trance.

She laughs, "lunch? Are you hungry?"

He shook his head, releasing himself from his own trance. Before he could even answer, Lunox's stomach growled.

She froze, yet again, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

He smirks once he sees this, "really? Me? Maybe you."

He chuckles before offering Barbiel for her to ride on, "hop on my horse, milady, and I shall take you to my humble kingdom."

She glares at him before hopping on the leather saddle mounted on Barbiel's back.

"Pretty horse," she complemented before stroking Barbiel's mane, earning a small sound of delight from the horse.

"Hmm.. his name is Barbiel. He's been my horse for so many years," he absentmindedly says before pulling Barbiel's rope and guiding them out of the prying and judging eyes of the ungrateful, shameless people.

"Barbiel? Pretty name for a pretty horse."

He hums a response before walking.


"Aren't you tired from all the walking?" Lunox asks him worriedly.

He shakes his head, when in fact, his feet were killing him inside his thick, iron knight boots. But it would be such an ungentlemanly act if he were to sit behind her, summing up with the fact that they both just met.

'Just met? Huh,' his brain whispers to him, but he shakes the thought off. Impossible.

"I'm used to walking long paths. I'm fine," he answers, avoiding her sharp eyes. They seemed like knives, cutting through the mask of emotions he tried to keep on for so long. It was as if they could see through his emotions. It was as if they could see through his lies, his pain.

"Really? Is that the reason why your breathing is a bit unsteady? Why you're face is somehow sweating?" she says, as a matter-of-factly.

He stopped on his tracks. She noticed?

"Tell me, Leo," she calls him by his nickname. The nickname no one else has ever said for a long time. Her voice fitted well with it. Even did it sound familiar to his ears.

"Because I know that even though I don't remember 99% of my life, I know for one, that I myself, hate liars," she said in a sharp tone. Though it sounded not mad, for him.

"Hmm, fine. Sorry. I'm not really used to walking long journeys," he said.

'Because I always depended on Barbiel on that matter,' he mentally whispered to himself.

"I'm sorry I lied," he continued, trying to make it as sincere as possible. He was never the type to apologize to just anyone. In fact, he was not the type to apologize to anyone, AT ALL.

Long gone now was her scowl for it had been replaced with a small smile, "why didn't you say anything?"

"Because it--"

"Never mind," she cuts him off before patting the soace behind her, "hop on."

He stares blankly at her face. Is she seriously considering that?

"Well? What are you waiting for? An invitation? Come on," she urges, "it's your horse, anyways."

"It's not a gentl--"

"Enough with that reasoning! It is also not a lady-like thing to do to let her tired man walk," she cuts him off once again.

Wait. What? Her man?


She didn't seem to know whatever she was babbling about because she looked so confident with her choice of words.

While he, on the other hand, froze. Once again.

"Leomord!" she exclaims, catching his attention once again.

"W-what?" he stutters. He was caught off guard with the fact that she, the gentle maiden he's ever met, raised her voice at him.

"What's wrong with you?"


"One. If I reach on the count of three, I will leave you here despite my growling stomach!"



He still could not speak, he only stared.


"Your man, really, milady?" finally, he speaks.


"You just said it. You just called me 'your man',"

She stops, realizing what she had just said before blushing.

"I did not just say that!" she denies.

"Hmm, really?" he teases, a playful smirk making it's way up to his face.

"Y-yes!" she stutters under her breath.

"Then why is your face getting redder by the second?"

She holds her cheeks before looking at everywhere but him, "whatever! Just... hop on!"

"Whatever you say," he says before jumping on his horse's back.

"Ready?" he asks her, holding Barbiel's reins.

She nods, holding the reins along with him, feeling excited about the fact that she was finally riding on a horse. With her holding unto the reins and guiding it wherever she desired to go!

"Then off we go, milady."

Broken Destiny (Leomord x Lunox)Where stories live. Discover now