Capitulum 4 - Memories

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It was not long after their short bickering when they finally reached their destination. The Fortress of Despair.

The feeling of hunger was somehow forgotten when Lunox quietly surveyed the ruined place. Her heart achingly clenched in sadness and guilt. Guilt for not being able to do the one job she was assigned while she was still inside the Twilight Orb. And that is to maintain the balance between Order and Chaos. In this part of the land, it seems that chaos has won.

Her sour mood was immediately sensed by Leomord because with a worried look, he stops the horse and glancing at her.

"Is there something wrong?" he questions her with worried eyes.

She didn't speak, nor even glance at his direction.

He sighs before contnuing, "I think I know what you're thinking."

He sighs, once again, before letting Barbiel walk steadily and slowly.

"This kingdom of ours, used to be a place filled with life, laughter, and joy," he says, reminiscing the joyous memories he once had in this town. A small smile made its way up to his face.

"Children used to run around, play. Our people used to laugh and talk with each other, sometimes even, for the whole day," he laughs, trying to lighten up her foul mood.

"These stores lined up," he gestures to the abandoned-looking stores lined up beside them, "used to be filled with all sort of things. Toys. Books. Food. Clothes. You name it.

"All was well... until the king stopped attending royal meetings regarding the safety of the kingdom. He wasn't able to attend to his queen and his duties as the king.

"It turns out, he was seduced by a witch. A witch sent out by the evil lurking in the Land of Dawn," he smiles sadly. She looked at him before returning his smile and urged for him to continue.

"The queen, Vexana, was saddened by the news and she, as well, stopped fulfilling her duties as queen.

"It was this one terrible day when invaders started attacking our kingdom. A lot of blood was shed, along with the tears and sweat the citezens of this precious kingdom gave out. The kingdom fell into ruin. And everything... gone."

He stopped talking, gulping down the tight and heavy feeling in his throat. He never talked about this to anyone...

Or maybe because everyone knew about it.

Or he had no one else to talk to.

Either way, he liked the overwhelming feeling of finally releasing the heavy feeling in his chest, caused by the tragic story of how the kingdom he once served fell apart, to someone he knew he can trust. And whom he cared about.

'Cared about? Where did that came from?' he thought.

Sensing how Leomord stopped and concluded his story, finally, Lunox faces him with an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry."

Broken Destiny (Leomord x Lunox)Where stories live. Discover now