Capitulum 7 - Dreams

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Lunox sits on her bed, bored. Her large room was not enough for her thoughts, as they were too many.

Some invisible force dragged her out of her room as she finds herself gracing the empty halls of the castle.

'Why does this place seem so awfully familiar to me?' she whispers to no one but herself.

She stops before this certain room. Its door was halfway open, making her see and hear clearly whatever was going on inside.

"I wish it were not, Leomord. I wish it were not," she hears Vexana say. It were not what?

She was curious. Not what? What is happening?

Upon hearing Vexana's words, her chest squeezed, making it very hard to breathe. As if she was remembering something she was supposed to forget.

What's happening to me?

And she fell on the ground.


"You're so clumsy, Luce!" a young boy, who seemed familiar yet strange, called for her.

'Who is this boy? And who is Luce?' Lunox asked herself, 'why is he calling me Luce?'

She only stared at the approaching familiar boy who was running towards at her full speed with a huge smile on his face. She finds herself on the ground and sees that she had little hands.

'Why are my hands so little?'

"Luciera! Hey! Look at me!" the boy reaches her and takes her shoulders in his hands, forcing him to look at her, "are you even listening?"

She finds herself shaking her head to the boy. Why does he look familiar?

"What do you want, Leo?" she hears.

'Wait... Leo?'

Then, she realizes that the boy wasn't looking at her, instead, he was looking at the little girl underneath her.

She stands quickly, afraid that she's hurt the girl. Little did she know, she doesn't even exist. To them, at least.

"Luce, I told you to be careful! Now look, you have fallen and I see a wound on your knee!" the boy, Leo, exclaims— anger and worry in his tone.

"Hah! You act as if you care so much about me, when you do not! Stop approaching me and mind your own business!" the little girl, Luce, angrily shouts, tears pooling in her eyes.

"Oh and... wounds are only natural, you idiot!" then Luce runs away.

Lunox's chest clenched in pain, once again. As if she knew that turning away from the boy, whom she doesn't even know, was a mistake.

The scene changes and it she sees an older version of Luciera and Leo. Both were under a large tree and they were hugging each other. Their shoulders were shaking and it seemed that both were crying.

"I have turned away from my family for you, Luce. I love you," Leo whispers into Luce's ear, his voice shaking.

Luce only nods before hugging him even tighter, "and I love you, Leo. I promise. We will get through this."

Then the scene changes, once again. This time it was only Luciera in her line of vision.

'What's happening? Why is Luce alone? Where is Leo?'

Luciera was crying under the same tree. She recognizes this tree as the one from awhile ago. Where Leo and Luce were hugging each other.

"Why are you so cruel?!" Luciera screams to the air, tears streaming down her face.

"Why?! Why do we have to end up like this?! What wrong have I done to all of you for us to recieve this kind of cruel fate?! Tell me!"

'What cruel fate?' Lunox asks herself. Her chest tightened more, her breathing was uneven, tears were pooling in her eyes. Why is she tearing up? Why does this hurt her so?

"I hate you! We almost ended up with each other! We almost did it! We almost escaped the destiny you wrote for us! He almost lived!" Luciera continued screaming. Lunox could hear the pain, the anger, the sorrow, in her voice.

Lived? Leo? What happened?

The scene changes once again. And now she finds herself on her bed. Back in Vexana's castle.

'How did I get here?'

Lunox was speechless. Were those... perhaps... the forgotten memories? Her forgotten memories? The memories fate made her forget?

Was she the one they all call Luciere? And is Leomord who they all call Leo?

Her mind was a mess. Her heart and mind were yelling with each other.

"Hey. You're awake," a soft voice dragged her out of her reverie. She wasn't alone in her room, after all.

She meets the gaze of her long lost beloved. The one fate tried so hard keep her away from.

"Leo..." she whispers. She wasn't even referring to his nickname.

"Yes? Lunox, it's me," Leomord smiles, "you passed out by the door. I carried you her--"

"You are Leo IV, son of one of our loyal knights. I remember you," she absentmindedly rambles on.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Do you not remember me, Leo? Luce, your beloved? The girl whom you fought your family with? The girl whom you were destined to? But was not fated to end up with you? Do you not remember me, Leo?" she cried, reaching for the stunned man before her.

Her beloved Leo. Finally.

I found you.

Broken Destiny (Leomord x Lunox)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon