Capitulum 18 - Forgotten Memories 9

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Luciera could feel nothing but the excruciating pain all over her body. She could not move nor even talk. Her throat felt like sandpaper from all the futile attempts of screaming last night, and her limbs were now too weak.

Still though, she tried to stand from the bed that held such dreadful memories to her.

With tearstained cheeks and sweaty forehead and neck, she tries to get up. Successfully, she sits up from the bed.

She looks back to see the bloodstain on the bed's pure white covers. The very symbol of her dignity. Her dignity as a proper woman. Now gone.

Tears covered her eyesight. Pain enveloped her heart like a blanket.

Luciera was light headed yet she still tried to stand with the white comforter covering her still naked body. The stupid scum even left her!

She dreaded the long journey to the bathroom as each step she took on the cold floor, felt like she was walking on blazing hot rocks.

Luciera tried her very best to wash away the man's scent from her body. Yet nothing woukd ever change the fact that he indeed, violated her. Yes they were husband and wife, yet he had no such right to disrespect her in that way. Even if he were a prince. No one deserves to be treated the way he treated her. No one.


Days passed on but Luciera hadn't made any attempts to even try and utter a word. Not even to her very own father who knew nothing of what she had just experienced on the filthy palms of the man whom they all call her husband.

"Luciera, dear," her father called for her, "come here."

She obliged, not even uttering a word. She knew, anyways, what he was going to ask her.

"Do you perhaps, know where Charles is?" Charles' father asked her.

She shook her head. She does not want to do anything with that rotten vermin. Not that she knows where he is, anyways.

He's probably with his whores and concubines again.

She walks away from the crowd. They were probably used to her not talking now, anyways. Not that they cared.

They only cared about power and supremacy. That of which, they have now. Something they both benefited out of Luciera and Charles' wedding.

On the way to her room, Luciera begins to feel like she was about to puke. And she almost did.

Holding her mouth closed, she runs to her room and locks herself in the rest room.

In there, she begins to puke out all the things she ate that morning.

Could she be...?


Luciera only gives the royal chemist a blank stare as he answered her dreadful question.

"Yes, miss Luciera. You are," she said, "pregnant."

Luciera felt her world break and crash.

"What did you say?" her voice was trying to be steady, yet it was really unsuccessful as her voice broke as she spoke.

The doctor sighs before nodding, "you are pregnant miss. Congratulations."


"Abortion is a sin and you know that, Luce," her only true friend in the castle, Frida, tries to talk her out of her decision.

All the abusive things Charles has had done to her, now had a souvenir. A baby. A baby whom of which she does not want to carry as the father is a monster.

Luciera gave her friend a dead look.

"I know what he has done to you, Luce," Fruda said.

Of course, she told her only friend whatever that scum had done to her.

"But it's not the baby's fault and you know that!" Frida said, gently caressing her head.


"No. You always loathed killing. And this, what you are about to do, is murder. It's killing, Luce! You are killing your own baby!"

Frida's words rung in her head. Kill. No... she can't be a murderer! She won't stoop that low just to get what she wants!

Luciera looks away and her gaze falls on the window, and unto the view of the sunset. Absentmindedly, she strokes her still flat stomach.

Sighing, she says, "you're right."

Frida looks at her.

"I can't be like him. I can't and won't be like him."

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