trick or trick? || fluff

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setting: multiple areas ( said in each time skip )
au: non-despair

halloween, the day saihara disliked the most.

it wasn't like he disliked the holiday in general, he simply found it annoying. he didn't really see the point in buying a costume and going outside just to get candy. he wasn't ungrateful people were celebrating, he just didn't enjoy it.

unfortunately, for saihara, that day was today.

saihara sighed, "today is going to be a long day.."  he thought, pulling his hat down slightly.

when he entered, his eyes widened. purple, green, and orange streamers hanging from every locker, spider webs placed in every corner of the school, plush zombies squeezing everywhere somebody could possibly fit them, and a huge jack-o'-lantern in the auditorium that yonaga probably sculpted for the school committee team.

saihara made his way into homeroom, hoping he wouldn't have to communicate with anybody on the way there. once he arrived at the door, he pulled his hat down and walked inside, trying to avoid any contact with anyone.

"saihara-kun! hey!" akamatsu cheeringly said.

saihara chuckled a bit, "why are you so happy?" he asked, sitting in his assigned seat behind her

"duhh, it's halloween! and i'm super excited for this year! harukawa agreed to go trick or treating with me later since i got her a costume this year!" she blushed lightly

"so how about you, are you gonna go trick or treating later? the whole school is going! ..not as a group, but you get the gist."

i smiled awkwardly, "probably not, i don't see the point in it all"

"whaaat? my beloved isn't celebrating halloween?!" a familiar voice boomed out

"great.. just what i needed.." saihara thought to himself

ouma giggled and made his way towards me and akamatsu in the back of the class

"why aren't you gonna celebrate halloween? it will be fuuuunnn!" ouma whined

"i don't see why it concerns you.." he mumbled with a hint of coldness.

"jeez, don't have to be so cold about it, saihara-chan! i was just curious is all~ ..hey, akamatsu-chan, do you know why saihara-chan is all grumpy today or is he just on his period?" he teased, causing saihara to roll his eyes.

"one, saihara-kun isn't a girl.. i think.. and two, he said something about not seeing the point in it..?" akamatsu shrugged

"ah- uhm.. one, yes i'm a boy.. and two, akamatsu-san was correct about me not seeing the point in halloween..sorry." saihara sighed

"hmph.. so saihara-chan is no fun, how boring!" ouma pouted and ran back to amami and shirogane

akamatsu noticed saihara's unintentional staring at ouma and snapped him out of it by snapping her fingers in front of his face.

"oh.. s-sorry.." saihara apologized, blushing in embarrassment

"still have feelings for him?" she softly asked

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