Chapter 3

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(Wanda PoV)

1954... I had done it. I had created a reality where Vision was still alive and I was living with him, since 6 years earlier according to him. It made me happy to see him again and pretty soon I had forgotten the warnings that Clint had given me in the true reality, I had even forgotten that I had lived in a reality any different to this one... I never told Vision that, I didn't think I needed to. This reality was real enough and happy enough for us~ granted, I subconsciously took us back in time but I didn't mind that now. It took some time to get used to but I don't mind about it anymore.

I was just happy to have Vision back by my side.

Once I woke up, I showered quickly and changed into a red tea dress, one typical of the era apparently, as affixed to it was a kind of short waitress' apron. Well, when you live the 1950s American Dream... in the 1950s, you're going to get that kind of image for the average woman. That was one thing I hadn't quite got used to yet, but I was steadily seeing it as the norm of the time. Steadily. However, the house we were in, we didn't really conform to that stereotype, it was just kinda... normal. But normal for us, at least. Normal for a relationship between an android and a witch.

Heading into the kitchen, I started to boil the kettle for the water for our coffees, making enough for Vision. The kettle was noisy, if he wasn't waking up already, the kettle surely would do the rest.

Sure enough, as I was pouring the water into the coffee mugs, I saw him emerge. "Morning, Viz," I said with a smile, "I made you a coffee." I took it over to him, with my own in my other hand, as we sat down on the settee together. I noticed he had already changed from his pyjamas, into a smart casual shirt-sweater and chino combo. "Oh, you didn't have to do that, Wanda..." he said, taking a sip of his coffee, "Thank you, though." He smiled, I smiled back.

Moving over to the settee, we sat down and I felt Viz's hand fall to mine. It surprised me, but it felt nice... as if it was a long time coming. I had missed him- missed his touch. Finding myself lean gently against his chest, every now and then taking a sip of my own coffee, I smiled- just a small one... just a smile, when I felt his hand move around for his arm to go around my shoulders. "I've missed you so much... your touch..." I said, quietly,
"Wanda, we see each other every day...!" He said, clearly confused by my statement,
"I-I know... I just love you so much."
"And I love you too, my sweet little witch." He smiled, before I felt his lips against the top of my head, as he kissed me.

"Oh!" I said, suddenly, sitting up, "I-I have an idea..."
"Yes! I've seen this is a new style for the '50s!"
"What is it, Wanda?"
I smiled, turning towards him, leaning towards him to press my lips to his, kissing him, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Pulling away but keeping our faces only inches apart, I smiled. "Short hair..." I muttered, "Bob haircuts..."
"I- well, if you really want one, my love~"
"You don't want me to?"
"It's not my choice, Wanda, if you want to have a haircut, I will support you 100%."

I watched, as he smiled to me, leaning forward to give me an Eskimo kiss, brushing his nose against mine. I giggled, responding in the same way, before standing up from his lap on the sofa.

I stared into the mirror above the hearth, looking at my long red locks. I smiled a little, remembering it had been Natasha who had given me the dye... my smile dropped. I felt sorry that I couldn't bring her and Stark back too. Dipping my head, I watched as my long hair began sliding past my shoulders and down in front of my face.

All this time,  I had used my hair to shield me from the world. I couldn't do that anymore, I had to be strong. I had to reveal myself as myself. I was... I was the Scarlet Witch.


After a bus journey into the town, I hopped off and stepped into the salon, seeing a cheerful woman approach me and Viz, as we stood hand-in-hand. "Hi! Welcome to the Hair Salon! How can I help you?"
"I- well, I'd like to get a bob haircut?"
"Of course, ma'am, anything for the gentleman?"
"I- no... just me today."
"Not a problem, ma'am! Please! Take a seat!"

She directed me to a chair in front of a mirror, Viz's hand drifting from my grip, as he went to sit opposite me, with a kind smile. I watched as the mirror was obscured and the woman started to cut.

It was nerve wracking to hear the scissors cut but not see and it was so long to wait as well.

Finally. After another hour, or more- I wasn't fully certain with the clock obscured from my vision, but she finished. She revealed the mirror and buffed up the curls at the end of my hair a little, as she showed me. "So, ma'am, how is that?"

"Wanda, you look beautiful," Viz said from opposite. It made me smile like a kid,
"Thanks... it's amazing, thank you."
"No problem, ma'am! If you just come over whenever you're ready and I'll put it through the cashier for you!"

The woman smiled and -tottered- over to the counter, as I gathered my things together and admired my new haircut in the mirror. I smiled before going to Vision. "I like it, what do you think?" I asked,
"Beautiful," he said, "But you don't need a haircut to look beautiful." He smiled and kissed my forehead before we headed over to pay, over the counter together.

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