Chapter 4 - Halloween in the '50s

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(Wanda PoV)

Getting used to the way of life of 1954 was difficult but it was steadily achievable. Dressing in a typical 1950s tea dress, I left the house early. It was October 30th and that meant there was one more day until Halloween. I had wanted to take part in some way, shape or form and I wanted to bring Viz into the mix too. Since he was not afraid of me possessing powerful magic, I had had to dig further to give him a playful scare.

Finding my way to the high street was the easy part but finding a suitable store that sold Halloween stuff that wouldn't be strange for an adult to buy, compared to children, would be the more difficult part, was all that I could think of. I ended up stood at one end of an aisle, as several children were running up and down the store with scary witch or vampire masks that had somewhat realistic hair affixed to the foam masks. Moving past them all, I found myself looking at a plastic skeleton mask and that was surrounded by an abundance of fake blood and plastic vampire fangs as accessories to children's costumes.

Lifting the mask off the rack, I checked out the quality and to me, it was very scary~ seeing the dark pits where the skeleton's cheekbones would be, as well as the dark colouring surrounding the eye sockets. Despite it being plastic, I felt that it was scary enough for a playful joke. Taking it to the cashier, I handed over the money. "For your kid, ma'am?" The cashier asked with a wide smile. The woman behind the counter was all dressed up for Halloween, wearing a long black cape, a black and purple sparkly wig and a pair of vampire fangs. "S-Something like that..." I replied, as I took the receipt from the woman and smiled back before leaving the shop, shoving the mask into my bag.

Making my way home was, however, more difficult since there were several young children running around with their newly bought costumes, already wearing their capes and their masks and scaring their friends. Having to say 'excuse me' and 'mind out' several times, as I walked down the street, however I soon made it to our own house in the suburbs, unlocking the door and seeing Vision at the settee. "Hey you," I said with a smile, going over to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He gently patted my hand, that I had place against his shoulder and smiled to me, as I came around the settee to sit next to him. "Were the streets full of kids ready for Mischief Night?" He asked, with a chuckle, "I heard that's a custom that American kids often take part in on the night of the 30th."

Smiling, I placed her bag down on the floor next to her, obscuring the mask from him. "Oh yeah~ they're ready!" i said, letting out a chuckle, "I could barely walk down the street without bumping into a kid who was running around in costume!" Viz smiled at that. It always made me happy to see him smile.

Moving down the settee slightly, leaning my head gently against his chest, I felt his arm move round my back, holding me close to him.

It was another few hours before either of us moved from each other's sides, as the television was showing sitcom after sitcom, one of the most notable that we watched together was the Dick van Dyke Show, since I found that we could often relate own own relationship to that of Dick van Dyke and his wife.

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The next morning, I awoke early and glanced towards my right, seeing a sleeping Vision was still in the bed next to me. I smiled a little, climbing out of the bed and pulling my dressing gown around her and fastening the belt to close it around her front. Heading into the living room, it was still dark and guiding myself over to the settee, I switched on a smaller lamp, so as not to wake Vision up by the main light in the room.

After gathering some breakfast, I started to hear movement in the room next door and quickly grabbed the mask, hiding behind the bedroom door, in time for him to open it.

As the door opened, the human-formed man appeared, sleepily, wearing a dressing gown. I took the opportunity, as I jumped out in front of him, wearing the mask of a skeleton, "Boo!" I said, my accent visible somewhat in my emphasis, "Happy Halloween!" The man jumped, clutching his heart, "Wanda!" He cried out, before chuckling, "Happy Halloween, love~"

After regaining his composure, he approached me slowly with a smile across his face, gently moving the mask upwards so it sat on top of my fifty's-style red bob haircut and placed a hand against my back, before pulling me towards him. Having no option but to follow him, I smiled, as he pressed his lips to mine, kissing me.

Breaking apart, they smiled to one another. "Well, Viz, did I get ya?" I asked with a chuckle. He looked at me with a nod and a smirk, "Oh yes, you definitely scared me...happy Halloween, my love." He lifted his other hand, keeping his face only inches from my own and pushed his finger gently on to my nose, doing a 'cute boop'. It made me chuckle, as I placed a hand against the top of my own head, feeling the mask there. "I wanted to give you a little playful scare... for Halloween, of course!" I said, smiling, as I brushed my nose against his, giving him an Eskimo kiss.

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