Why? (Prologue)

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Another day... Nothing new, nothing exciting. Just another day in Karakura Town and that's how she liked it. Misumi Hayashi was just an average soul in the average world. Well, at least that's what she thought so anyway. She had been avoiding the people called Shinigami and the monsters better known as Hollows. The hollows wanted to devour her soul, the Shinigami were trying to help her cross over to the Soul Society. She knew one human that knew about her situation and he was a rather kind young man even though he too was a substitute Shinigami. But he respected her wishes and the two became friends. But it was getting to a point now where Misumi's friend was hardly ever around. And when he was around, he was now trying to convince her to leave to heaven, a.k.a. The Soul Society to be safe as Karakura Town was no longer a safe place like it used to be.

"Why?! You never give me a clear answer, Ichigo!" Misumi exclaimed as she was being ushered to a secluded spot behind a building.

"Because it's not safe here anymore. Please, you have to trust me." Ichigo begged as he looked over his shoulder. Something was coming, even Misumi could feel it being uneasy.

"I'm not leaving my home!" She protested.

Before Ichigo could retort, he turned his back to her fully and soon leapt into the sky, looking back at her with an apologetic look and soon focusing on whatever was attacking the town. Misumi sighed and waited till Ichigo was not even a speck in the sky. Revealing herself from her hiding spot, she began to roam the streets freely as no one was going to stop her or run into her. She was dead anyway. The only one who knew about her were the Shinigami and Ichigo.

Or so she thought?

(A/N: This is the prologue of the story. More will be coming out.)

(Edit 9/30/2019: My good friend proof read this and pointed out a couple things. Thank you!!!)

Uniqueness (Shinji Hirako X Misumi Hayashi {Original Character})Where stories live. Discover now