Actions Speak Louder than Words

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"Who the hell is she!?"

"Misumi Hayashi. Now will you lay off and head back with the others." Shinji groaned as he and Hiyori were watching Misumi sit in the park and watch the humans.

"Is she the one you always hang out with instead of recruiting Ichigo?!" Hiyori barked in Shinji's ear.

"Oh shut up you monkey face! And it's none of your business." Shinji rubbed his ear in which she shouted in and looked back down where Misumi was.

His gaze softened as he watched the Soul. Something about her made him more at ease. Her voice and laughter was nostalgic. And when she would nap next to him and lay her head on his shoulder, it felt perfect. As if they had done it in another life. Everything about her was like reliving a memory that he could and couldn't recall. Hiyori watched him for a long moment and could tell he was trying to think of something. But what?

"Tch... whatever. Be back in ten minutes, Ichigo will be wondering where you are, baldy." Hiyori clicked her tongue and flash stepped back to the warehouse where the other Visord's were waiting for them.

"Yeah yeah. I'll be there in a few, mom." He mocked before focusing on Misumi once again.

The girl was just watching the living walk by to and fro. Children laughing and giggling while parents, loved ones and random people went about their business. Shinji stood up on the roof top and was ready to go down there and spend some time with Misumi, but with an annoyed sigh he turned and headed to the warehouse where he had to wait and see if Ichigo would come or not.


As time passed and training had gotten under way, Shinji was becoming more focused on Ichigo's training instead of meeting up with Misumi like he used to. When he did though, it was short lived leaving Misumi and promising her that he was going to make it up to her. Although she wanted to believe him, it was all empty promises. It was getting to the point where her smile and laughter was becoming almost a lost memory to Shinji.

"Hey, cheer up doll. If everything goes according to plan, I'm gonna knock your socks off and make you feel like a queen." Shinji beamed at her.

But Misumi had a look of doubt, hurting Shinji down to the quick. How could this girl hurt him so deeply. Yeah, he likes to think every girl he see's is his first love and be flirty. Maybe have some fun in bed. But Misumi is a different character all together. She has value, heart, kindness, a great sense of humor, and such love to Karakura town. He pulled her into a tight hug, something that caught Misumi off guard. He nuzzled his nose into her hair and closed his eyes.

"Just trust me. We're gonna be together more once this is over. I swear on my life." Shinji spoke softly in her hair and sighed softly.

Misumi, even though she was hardly speaking to him, hugged him back making him smile against her scalp and rub a hand up and down her back in a comforting fashion. No words could be as powerful as her actions did.

"Heh, I guess action does speak louder than words." Shinji chuckled as he pulled back and smiled at her.

With a small smile from Misumi, he nodded and took his leave to head back to the warehouse. He had to keep his promise, he was not going to lose this chance again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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Uniqueness (Shinji Hirako X Misumi Hayashi {Original Character})Where stories live. Discover now