Tipsy Much?

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Misumi was enjoying the evening. With Ichigo away and fulfilling his duties, it gave her too much time to herself. She liked being alone, it didn't bother her much. But to have that happen all day everyday, it got to her. She saw other souls that were stuck and never passed over, but she didn't feel comfortable being around other souls. The light clinking of her soul chain jingled in her ears. Somewhat soothing in an odd way, it was the only sign of her being linked to the world of the living.

Making her way towards the river, she felt a strong breeze kick up and made her dark hair flick forward and in her face. Pushing her hair back, she suddenly felt uneasy. As if someone was watching her. The instinct of turning and looking who or what was watching her overpowered her instincts to runaway. The deep roar and growls shook her to the core as she saw the large monster known as a Hollow. She paled and couldn't move, the sheer size and power it had emanating from it's being was making her dizzy and feel the urge to vomit.

The Hollow glared at her, licking its barred out teeth and roaring in hunger and blood lust. That was her signal to run. Turning on her heels, Misumi began to run as fast as her feet would let her. But it felt like she made no progress to distance herself from the monster. The Hollow let out a laugh like roar as it took a swipe at Misumi and watching her fly into a wall. Colliding hard and hitting her head, she gasped in pain, her ears rang loudly in her head and her world was going in and out of focus. A sharp pain in her chest bloomed as her soul chain was being yanked by the Hollow and she was soon going up into the air. Being flung around like a toy plane, she gripped onto her soul chain tight and tried to pull out of the monsters grip. It was pointless, but she had to try and survive.

Suddenly, the monster roared not in enjoyment, but in sheer pain. Misumi was now hurdling in the air and collided with something solid. An arm snaked around her to stabilize her and what seemed to be like a coat flap around her.

"Hadn't your mother ever teach ya not to play with you're food?" A smooth and catching voice spoke, making Misumi look up at her savior.

A young man with blonde hair that was in a straight bowl or bob hairstyle. Wearing a newsboy cap and in a black button down, long tie and a light khaki trench coat along with khaki slacks and polished dress shoes. His upper teeth showed in a slight frown. He had a sword propped on his shoulder in a lazy manner, but he did look slightly intimidating in Misumi's point of view. His brown eyes glared at the Hollow which glared back at him.

He glanced down at Misumi and flashed a broad smile, making her blink in surprise and confusion. What was wrong with this guy? He stabilized her in midair and stood in front of her with his sword in front of him. The Hollow roared at the two, making the man scrunch his face in annoyance.

"What a pain." And all of a sudden, he vanished in front of Misumi.

She blinked and suddenly saw the man in front of the Hollow and slicing it easily with one swoop down on its head. The Hollow roared in agony and soon vanished into nothing. The young man sheathed his sword that was under his trench coat and turned, looking up at Misumi with a toothy smirk. He vanished again and reappeared right in front of her, kneeling to be at the same eye level as she. There was something about him, cocky, smart aleck, smooth like. But it was quiet amusing and a new fresh breath of air for her. His smile was rather addictive that she soon smiled back.

"How you doin', doll face?" He said with a slight accent. Very laid back but observant. Like a lion watching his prey in the distance.

Uniqueness (Shinji Hirako X Misumi Hayashi {Original Character})Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя