The day after the night before

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Taylor woke up and remembered where she was, lying in his bed as he snored telling her he was still asleep, she had gotten to his place about 9:30pm her dog was walked by a member of staff and she had eaten before she got there as had her dog. Images of last night flashed in her mind, but she knew it was wrong to have feelings for him, especially when she barely knew him, yes she knew who he is but that's not the same as getting to know someone for real, all she knew was he really was a dominant man when it came to sex but he was respectful and responsible to, a true Dom never abuses his Submissive, hell they never talked about safe words they did nothing but fuck, she saw him stirring and it looked like he might wake up, she got up gathered her clothes and crept out of his bed room and walked fast and naked to her room then got under the covers and went back to sleep, if he asked when this happened she would just say some time early like 3am or something rather than at 7amish.

Jared woke up, and he went to hug her but he got nothing, she must have went to the guest room well her room now which was good, he shouldn't care she was gone that his warm bed was empty but he did, fuck he is her Dom and her Boss to as she will be his new Personal Assistant to come Monday thank god it's Sunday, still why was he bothered by her no way was he developing feeling for her, it's just been a while since he had done this, not sex fuck he can get anyone he wants for that, they know it's not more than a 1 time deal, he'll he and Valery where just fuck buddies until she wanted more, but he ended that now they are just friends, she'd always been shy around him in public even before they started fucking and people assumed he was dating her, she's Russian and only knows a few people in the USA so when she's in L.A he was nice to her, seeing as he models and just wanted to help her out in the USA. That was ages ago though, no he cannot have feelings for Taylor that way, he'll he barely knows her yet he fucked her straight away, shit least he never hurt her , fuck he hopes he didn't , was that way she left his bed? Fuck he never even asked her for a safe word, was she okay? All these thoughts ran through his head when the door knocked " come in please " the door opened and in walked Taylor with a tray with food and a cup of tea with a jug of almond milk and a small bowl of sugar and a tea spoon, " I got you fruit and vegan toast with vegan butter on it made you a cup of tea but I don't know how you take it hence tea bag in cup ( a draw string kind) and well the rest you can see". Jared was amazed that she had done this for him and smiled, she looked happy, then he saw the time 9:32am dam he slept in but had no work which was great " you know you did not have to do this Taylor, not that I don't appreciate what you have done for me cause I do I really do". She smiles, " I know but it's my way of thanking you for everything the job the .... you know ".

He laughed as he sure did know what she meant " look last night we should have talked but instead we'll we had sex, but that was my fault it's just been awhile since I had a submissive and well things got out of control, I should have let you had the tour then let you settle in but I didn't, if I hurt you physically or emotionally I am sorry Taylor that was not my..." but before he got to say anything she spoke, " Jared look I'm fine honestly I could have walked away or said stop and I bet you would have, apart from slight finger bruises on my hips I am fine we are both adults ok ". With that any guilt he had washed away slightly "but the bruises are they bad do they hurt" he asked concerned she opened her silk robe lifted her nighty up and slide the waist of her panties down to show him the slight blue marks of the bruises, his face dropped with guilt but she smiled " Jared I bruise like a peach ok so it's fine they don't hurt they just remind me of the great sex we had last night" before he could say anything more a bark was heard in the room there was her dog Millie who jumped up on his bed and decided to lick Jared in the face which he laughed at as she did and his concern for her was gone, maybe this would work after all she'd be a great submissive for him as long as that's all it was being friends is fine but love no way not after what Cameron did to him fuck love he thought, as he rubbed her dogs belly and watched her leave his room to go get showered, who need love when he had dominance.

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