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Shannon thought Jared would be in, hell  his car was there then as he walked in he was greeted by a woman he had never met before which was odd because normally his brothers one night stand are gone so who the hell is she , did she brake in fuck was she a stalker just as he was about to ask Jared walks in the back doorway with a dog, what the hell was going on here Shannon thought " Shannon hey what brings you here bro"? Jared asks  " no reason was out on my motorcycle and ended up driving this way so decided to pay you a visit, so who is this lovely lady here then?"  Jared blinked then realised Shannon was on about Taylor   " remember I advertised for a new personal live in assistant ?"  To be fair Jared hadn't really but he doubted if Shannon knew that " wait don't we have an assistant though Kennon or what ever her name is" he asked but Jared had a plan " yes we have her but Taylor is my p.a not just the bands ok, she can help me with my schedules for my films or Tv  appointments or when I'm doing more modelling for Gucci not just our band which as you may not have noticed is not touring at the moment ok Shannon" he asked Shannon smiled walked over to Taylor and pulled he in to his famous Shannon bear hug " welcome to our mad dis functional family, just don't let my idiot young brother boss you about to much ok, I know for a fact he can be a pain in the ass at times and if you ever feel down or feel like quitting you come see me ok sweetheart "  Taylor smiled " er well thank you I think, but I am sure I will be fine, if anything Shannon your brother has been nothing but kind to me and yes I understand Jared can be hard to work with but that's who he is and I like a challenge so I am sure I will be fine working for him, but thank you I hope we become good friends all off us I mean" with the Taylor sits back down to watch Netflix leaving  a gobsmacked Shannon and a proud and smiling Jared in the hallway .  " see she fine well it was nice of you to pop in on me I'm going for a shower oh and the dog is hers this dog is Millie she will only lick you to death, your welcome to stay for lunch if you want ok?" Shannon nodded but he decided to leave something here was not adding up but he did not want to ask Jared when Taylor was here so he decided to leave " naw it's fine I'm going to head back home but thanks " he then shouted through to the living room " was very nice to meet you Taylor heading off now bye", Taylor stood up,walked though to say goodbye but he had already gone as she heard the rev off his motorcycle go. He was friendly one minute then not so much the next but she figured out they had just met so it was confusing to him to.  She sat back down to watch some Science Fiction  well IZombie to be precise on Netflix as Jared was upstairs having his shower. What a Sunday of sorts it had been.

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