Chapter 9

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"I want you to be mine again baby , I know my life style is driving you crazy , but I can not see my self without you" I sang in Jasmine eardrums to wake her up

"Ugh go away your so annoying" she said pulling the covers over her head

"Get up please I have something to tell you" I begged hauling her by her feet

"What is it can't it wait ?" She asked

"Noooooo it can't wait" I said as I dragged her right off the bed

She bunked her head "ugh Paigdre look what you've done!!!" She yelled

I looked at her and pout then I start singing "look what you made me do look what you made me- do" I sang dancing around

She threw her pillow at me but I dodged it. "Get out!!" She yelled

"Is it too late now to say sorry cause I'm missing more than just your body..... wait eeewww forget the last part" I sang to her again

She started laughing "yes , it's too late to apologize" she started singing too

We both started to laugh as I help her up.

"What you wanted to tell me that have you dragging me out of bed so early?" She asked

"Jeremiah and I are now officially dating" I squealed jumping up and started dancing

"No shit you foreal?" She asked

"Yes" I said still dancing

"You got it girl , you got it yea you got it girl yooooouu got it" she sang as chris brown

"I know right I'm going over to his house tonight"

"What , you gon get it down already..... I know yo ass was full of lust" she teased

"No we just gon chill eat chocolate and watch Netflix then sleep" I told her

She started laughing "what are you 12?" She asked

"No but I don't wanna rush things"

"You don't have to let him be in control"


"Yea now let me be I wanna sleep it's a freaking holiday" she said tracing me out

"Aiite fine" I said going out of her room .

I went downstairs and prepared breakfast. I made grilled cheese, bacon and eggs with French vanilla coffee.

I served some for Xavier and bring it up to his room.

"Knock knock" I said before entering

"Come in" he said shuffling and trying to sit up straight in his bed.

I went in and put the food on his bed then help him sit up.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him

"Been better" he said while he took a bite from his grilled cheese

"Great I'm going over to Jeremiah's house today" I told him

"What no" he said refusing for me to go

"Why ?" I asked

"I don't want you near him" he ordered

"You can't tell me who to be with"

"What, look at Jd he likes you from Whoppy killed Philip" he said referring his friend to me

"I don't care Jeremiah and I are together and you can't stop me" I told him getting up off his bed

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