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-Jimin POV-
I hate being the first person awake. But I wasn't tired anymore. And I kinda can't get up with Jin laying on top of me. But I really don't mind it too much. So in the mean time I'm just playing on my phone.
"Mmmmm, why are you awake."-J
"Wasn't tired anymore."-JM
"Lucky you."-J
"Welp go to bed earlier and you won't be as exhausted."-JM
"Yea yea no lectures this early in the morning."-J
"Then good luck in math class."-JM
"But that's at the end of the day."-J
"True but you know she's gonna be nailing us all about the assignment, and we're nowhere close to finishing."-JM
"Well we do end up distracted while we're working."-J
"Yeah, we gotta work on that."-JM
"We really do."-J
"But we do get time in class so that's helpful, but maybe we should work solo."-JM
"But it's more fun working together."-J
"I know but we get too distracted by each other and it's kinda difficult to work like that."-JM
"Yeah I know."-J
"But it is difficult to not get distracted."-JM
"Well duh."-J
"We should get ready for school."-JM
"You're right."-J
*after they got dressed*
"I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
"Let's stick together at school, I rather enjoy your company."-J
"Sounds good."-JM
"You don't sound so sure."-J
"Don't matter bus is here."-JM
"Sit with us at the back."-J
"Your friends and my friends don't exactly get along."-JM
"But Yoongi and Hoseok are getting along better."-J
"True but you can tell they still hate each other."-JM
"What about Taehyung and Jungkook weren't they talking all day yesterday."-J
"Yeah cause that's why Jungkook called me crying his eyes out yesterday."-JM
"Taehyung called me crying yesterday."-J
"Weird, what happened."-JM
"Don't know."-J
"I bet they got into a fight."-JM
"Should we try to play matchmaker."-JM
"Sure, we seem to be really good at that."-J
"Hey lovebirds shut up I'm trying to sleep."-Y
"Hey why are you sitting with them."-H
"He wanted me to since we're dating."-JM
"So do I have to sit with him."-H
"Yes you do."-Y
"Why should I."-H
"Just sit here."-Y
"So Taehyung and Jungkook will be sitting together."-J
"Yep, Maybe they'll make up."-JM
"Or make out."-J
"Oooooo who's making out."-TH
"Awww damn it, Jungkook sat up front."-JM
"He hates me, he wouldn't sit back here is it was the last seat."-TH
"Well well well lookie who we have here."-Zoe
"Zoe when did you get back."-J
"Well I would offer you a seat but this seats full."-J
"Oh well I'll just sit here."-Z
Did that bitch just sit on my boyfriends lap. Who is she.
*at lockers*
"Hey Yoongi, Who was that Zoe girl."-JM
"Jin's ex girlfriend."-Y
"He said we'd stick together the whole day but he's over at her locker."-JM
"I'm sure he won't cheat on you, he loves you."-Y
"Then why are they kissing."-JM
"Oh hell nah you better break up with him, he's kissing back."-H
"I'm gonna get to class now, see ya later."-JM
-third person POV-
"I'm gonna kick his ass."-H
"Let's not jump to conclusions here."-Y
"Bitch he's kissing her, oh and great they just went into the bathroom."-H
"I can't believe him."-Y
"Let's go to class."-H
"Yeah okay."-Y
-Jungkook POV-
I hate having to sit next to Taehyung. Especially after what happened yesterday.
"Go away."-JK
"Well I sit beside you so, there ain't no going away."-TH
"What'd I do."-TH
"You know what you did."-JK
"Stating the truth, it's possible and you know it, all the best is soulmates have problems."-TH
"We're not soulmates."-JK
"How do you know."-TH
"You know that feeling when you like someone, yeah well I get the opposite feeling with you."-JK
"Why does everything have to be so difficult with you."-TH
"If you wouldn't make everything so difficult then we wouldn't have this problem."-JK
"Let's just stop arguing."-TH
"You started it."-JK
"And I'm ending it, I'm sick of fighting with you."-TH
"Because you know I'll win."-JK
"Honey, no."-TH
"Don't call me honey."-JK
"Ok, darling."-TH
"Babe. Don't be that way."-TH
"We're not dating, you don't have the right to call me any of those names."-JK
"Yet anyway."-TH
"Never anyway."-JK
"Well you never know."-TH
"I do know, I'm sorry but I don't feel that way about you."-JK
"I'll wait for you, I promise."-TH
"You'll be waiting a while."-JK
"In another life perhaps."-TH
"You sound like a poet."-JK
"So you don't even feel the slightest bit for me."-TH
"As a friend, nothing more."-JK
"Then I'll move on, it'll be difficult but I'll manage, I'll get a girlfriend and leave you alone."-TH
"But I don't wanna lose you."-JK
"We'll always be friends."-TH
"Thank you, hyung."-JK
"You're welcome."-TH
-Yoongi POV-
"Please they'll end up together someday soon."-Y
"Yeah, for sure."-H
"So do you like anyone."-Y
"Yeah I actually do, heck I'm in love with them."-H
"Love is an amazing feeling, even if you know they don't feel the same."-Y
"I wish my crush liked me, but he doesn't."-H
"Oooo Who is it."-Y
"I'm not telling you."-H
"After everything you've put me through, I don't trust you."-H
"I already apologized."-Y
"The school tough guy, would you trust you."-H
"Fair point."-Y
"Exactly my point, I'm sorry I don't trust you, just yet."-H
"It's fine I understand."-Y
"Anywho let's get back to work."-H
Damn it I wanted to know who I have to compete with for his love.
"But I promise with all my heart I'll make it up to you somehow."-Y
"You know you're actually kinda nice."-H
"So are you."-Y
"I'm gonna keep you around for protection."-H
"From who."-Y
"Well there is this guy that always picks on me and it's annoying but I wanna be friends with him but I'm not sure if he wants to be friends with me."-H
"But I do."-Y
"Really, you do."-H
-Jin POV-
Oh god Jimin hates me, I don't blame him though, I cheated, and with a girl at that. He's never gonna forgive me for this. Damn it, but I love him so much. And because I fucked up I'm gonna lose him. I'm gonna lose the love of my life. I hate myself right now.
"Hey, baby."-J
"Go call that slut baby."-JM
"I'm sorry."-J
"Don't fucking touch me."-JM
"Please Baby don't be this way."-J
"Don't call me baby, we're done."-JM
"I'm breaking up with you, how do you not understand, and you're sleeping in the couch tonight and every other night after that."-JM
"Please just give me one final chance, if you still hate me, then you can leave me, but please just one last chance."-J
"I hate you."-JM
"You toyed with my emotions and all it took was your ex girlfriend to come back for you to dump me."-JM
"But, I love you."-J
"Then where have you been all day, you said we'd stick together all day."-JM
"I was with Zoe."-J
"Yeah, sticking your tongues down each other's throats."-JM
"Well I guess I'll see you at home."-J

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