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-Jimin POV-
I woke up to my alarm going off and my fiancé groaning at it.
"It's five in the morning, why the hell is the alarm going off."-J
"We're getting married today."-JM
"I know but still it's five in the morning, when we go on our honeymoon I'm doing you every night."-J
"Okay but just don't be too rough."-JM
"We shall see."-J
I giggled and rolled on top of him, I leaned down and kissed him and pulled away, nestling into his chest. He stayed there petting my hair, I was happy and warm on top of him.
"You excited?"-J
"Of course I am, are you?"-JM
"More than you know."-J
"I love you."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
He hugged onto me and I smiled, I'm so happy that today is our wedding day.
"Boys, you might wanna start getting ready to head over to the venue."-SY
"Yeah let's start getting ready."-JM
We stood up and I walked over to the closet and got some skinny jeans and his favorite hoodie, he already had his pants on by the time I was done getting dressed.
"That's where my favorite hoodie went."-J
"Oops, were you gonna wear it."-JM
"Yeah but it's fine, you look so cute in it."-J
He got one of his sweaters and put it on, while I was washing my face he came up behind me and hugged me, I leaned into his arms and dried my face, once I was done I turned around and kissed him deeply, he kissed back and we stood there for a while just hugging and kissing.
"I love you daddy."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
"You're mine, forever and always."-JM
"And you're mine, I will never let you go."-J
He picked me up and I wrapped around him and hugged him tightly.
"My pretty baby."-J
"My sexy daddy."-JM
"You guys ready or are you gonna stand there hugging all day."-NJ
"We're ready."-J
"Let's go."-JM
He sat me down and we all walked downstairs, our friends were already here.
"Okay so what's the plan."-Y
"Well Jin goes with me, Tae, and Yoongi."-NJ
"And Jimin goes with me, Hoseok, and Jungkook."-SY
We walked out and went to the cars but we hugged and kissed for a bit before we went into the cars.
"So, it's your wedding day, are you nervous."-JK
"A little but I'm really excited."-JM
"I can't wait till my wedding day."-JK
"Oh yeah it is coming up, wow, I never thought we'd both be getting married this soon."-JM
"Jimin, your fiancé texted you."-H
"What'd he say."-JM
"He misses you and he loves you."-H
"You just saw him like a few minutes ago."-SY
"We love each other."-JM
I texted him back saying I miss him too and I love him too, I really do miss him but the next time I'll see him I'll be walking down the isle.
"I wanna kiss him."-JM
"You can't yet, but I tell you what, we won't kiss our boyfriends until you can kiss yours."-H
"Tell my fiancé that, he always wants to kiss me."-JK
"And we all know Yoongi can't keep his hands off of you."-JM
"Well then I'll tell him and Tae that they can't kiss us."-H
"Don't get me punished, well actually I like the punishments, so yeah feel free to get me punished."-JK
"Remember when he was the innocent one."-H
"Yeah I do but hey he's growing up."-JM
"I miss my fiancé ."-JK
"Me too."-JM
"I miss my boyfriend, can I talk to you guys about something."-H
"Sure what's up."-JK
"Well you know how I told him I wanted to wait before we do it."-H
"Well I really wanna do it now, I'll admit I wanted to wait at first but after seeing naked all I've wanted is for him to fuck me."-H
"I know how you feel, you just have to get him in the mood and then tell him that you're ready."-JK
"Okay, should I be nervous about it."-H
"It'll hurt at first but it'll start to feel better."-JM
"That's good to know."-H
"And you might be sore the day after."-JK
"But he'll take care of you, and if he don't then just tell us and we'll take care of it."-JM
My phone buzzed and it was a text from my fiancé saying he wished he could kiss me, I sent a text back saying I wish I could kiss him.
"Should we take his phone away so they don't end up sending pictures to each other."-JK
"Nah, I don't think they'd do that."-H
"I miss him."-JM
"You two are literally always together."-SY
"Yeah but still, I miss him."-JM
We arrived to the venue before the others so we went ahead and went inside, we looked around and a little while later they walked in.
"Wait the groom isn't suppose to see the other groom."-H
"That's only when they're all dressed up."-SY
Me and Jin ran to each other and hugged like we haven't seen each other in years.
"I missed you."-J
"I missed you too."-JM
"Okay now its time to separate again, y'all need to start getting ready."-SY
"I'll see you when you're walking down the isle."-J
"I'll see you later daddy."-JM
"I'll miss you baby."-J
"I'll miss you too."-JM
We walked to our separate dressing rooms, I began getting ready, I can't wait till I'm walking down the isle. I wanna kiss him so bad right now, I'm a little nervous but I know it'll be okay.
"You ready."-SY
"Yeah, is it time already."-JM
"The best men and the groom maids are walking down the isle, Namjoon should be walking Jin down the isle soon, and then I'll walk you down the isle."-SY
She looked out the door and turned back to me while smiling.
"It's time."-SY
"Okay, let's do this."-JM
We linked arms and walked to the end of the isle, we started walking down the isle, I looked up at him and smiled, we continued walking until we reached the end of the isle, she let go of my arm and stood behind me, I handed her the bouquet I was holding and looked at him. The priest began talking and soon it was time for the vowels, I was nervous that what I wrote wouldn't be good enough but he started talking and my nervousness went away.
"I have been in love with you for a long time and I never thought there was a chance you'd like me back but here we are, and even though we've been through so much together we still love each other, and I would rather be alone forever then to have never met you, I love you so so so much."-J
When he was finished I was trying not to hug and kiss him so I went on and said my vowels.
"I always thought you'd never even talk to me let alone love me, I was shocked when you said you liked me back, and even though there were times where i didn't wanna be in love with you I wouldn't change a single thing about our relationship, I love you with all my heart and I never wanna let you go."-JM
By now we were both tearing up and the priest continued talking.
"Do you, Kim Seok-jin, take Park Jimin to be your lawfully wedded husband, for sickness and health, for better or worse, for as long as you both shall live."-Priest
"I do."-J
"And do you, Park Jimin, take Kim Seok-jin to be your lawfully wedded husband, for sickness and health, for better or worse, as long as you both shall live."-Priest
"I do."-JM
"Then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you both man and man, you may kiss the groom."-Priest
We went closer to each other and kissed, I smiled into it and hugged him closer, we eventually pulled away and everyone started cheering.

*after party*
We stood next to each other, he was hugging my waist, this is the best day of my life.
"I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
"My beautiful baby."-J
"My one true love."-JM
He pulled me closer and kissed me, I kissed back, we stayed there kissing for a while before Taehyung walked up to us.
"Hey so hows the married couple."-TH
"We're good, how the engaged couple doing."-JM
"We're doing great, he let me fuck him last night."-TH
"That's why he was walking funny earlier."-J
"Guys guess what."-Y
"What's up Yoon."-J
"Hoseok just told me he's ready to start doing it."-Y
"That's great, I knew he'd tell you soon."-JM
"You knew."-Y
"Yeah he was talking about it on the ride over."-JK
"Guys that's now something to talk about."-H
"Aww why not baby."-Y
"Because that's what we'll do in private."-H
"We've all talked about it in front of each other before."-JK
"Yeah but still."-H
"Aww he's blushing."-J
"He's not used to talking about his sex life."-JM
"Guys stap."-H
"I can't till I get to fuck him."-Y
"Babe stop it, do want me to make you wait even longer."-H
"Okay I'll shut up about it."-Y
"Hey but can I fuck you later."-TH
"We just did it last night, give my ass a rest please."-JK
"Okay, I'll wait u til tomorrow."-TH
"You guys ever notice how much we talk about sex."-J
"Yeah, it's become a tradition."-JM

*at home*
He carried me inside and sat me on the couch, he sat next to me and I cuddled up to him, our parents sat on the love seat, I sat on his lap and cuddled closer to him, I never wanted to let go of him.
"I love you baby."-J
"I love you too."-JM
He leaned closer to my ear and whispered.
"I can't wait for our honeymoon."-J
"Me either daddy."-JM
"Hey so since we just got married then can we make out in front of y'all, I really wanna kiss him and we all know where that'll lead too."-J
"Yeah go ahead, we know you'll do it anyways."-SY
He pulled me in and we instantly began making out, I'm glad our parents let us make out, I don't think we've made out in at least a day. We sadly pulled away.
"I love you so much."-J
"I love you too."-JM
He picked me up bridal style when he stood up and carried me to our bedroom, he laid me down on the bed and climbed on top of me and stared deep into my eyes.
"What're you doing."-JM
"Staring at my beautiful husband."-J
"And why're you on top of me."-JM
"To stare at you better."-J
"Can we cuddle."-JM
"Yeah of course we can."-J
He climbed off of me and cuddled up to me.
"Should we get a shower."-JM
"Yeah probably."-J

*after shower*
We laid down in bed, once we got our pajamas on, and cuddled, that's when I realized that I never wanna stop cuddling with him.
"I love you baby."-J
"I love you too daddy."-JM
He leaned up and kissed me, I kissed back and I never wanted to let go but we did pull away.
"You're the best person I've ever met in my life."-J
"You're the most amazing person I know, I'm so happy I fell in love with you."-JM
"I love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM

-Jin POV-
I'm so happy that I'm now married to the best person in my life, we cuddled for hours until he fell asleep, I had to go to the bathroom so I unlatched from him and went to the bathroom, when I was finished and walked back he was waiting at the bathroom door and hugged me.
"I thought you were asleep."-J
"I didn't feel you in bed anymore and I wanted to wait for you."-JM
"You're the best husband I could ever ask for."-J
"I love you, now come to bed."-JM
"I love you too."-J
I picked him up and carried him to the bed and laid down with him, he laid his head on my chest and cuddled up to me, I rubbed his back and kissed his head, he fell back asleep and I stared at him before falling asleep soon after.

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