first day of high school

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Soya's POV:
Its my first day at school I'm a little nervous cuz I'm an outcast at my middle school so i don't want to be one in this school .well yes i am not so beautiful nor good in studies but i have a good heart

As i enter in the classroom nobody notices me i found a seat in the end and sat on it i started sawing kids around me making friends talking to each other that was my dream

Teacher came in and shouted 'silence' and stood in front and said 'hi i am your class teacher hope we will get along and take care of each other' minutes passed she was teaching us something suddenly a boy came in oh my he is tall handsome and has good physique no doubt all the girls are starring him and after some talk
With teacher he come towards us or i can say towards me 'can you stop starring me and pick your bag' he said with a cold tone i avert my gaze and pick my bag up and without making anymore scenes i started writing the lesson but i was also feeling the gazes towards me cuz the all girls were JEALOUS ha that he sat beside like i care

'Hey do it for me' he said in a cold tone while sliding the notebook to my side 'what' i replied in a calm voice as he replied in a shocked voice 'don't you understand do my work for me otherwise it-' he stopped and waited for my reply 'sorry i can't i have mine to do' i said in my usual manner and politely refused him the bell rung i run towards the cafeteria and while putting my lunch on the table as soon as i started eating a cold voice come and all of us look toward that and find that boy who was sitting beside me in the class well why does he shouted

He is coming towards me i mean what does he want now does he want my lunch he can take his why mine 'hey come to the lobby' he said in his usual tone'w-why' i said wait am i afraid no way he grabbed my wrist and take me to the roof and push me towards the floor and throw his notebook and said 'do it right now and from now on you will do my homework' 'w-w-hy w-ould i an-d w-hy a-r-e y-ou doing this a-ll to me' i said while sobbing he laughed and said 'don't you understand I'm bullying you' and sat in front of me "do it hurry up i don't have much time for your sobbing" he said while starring me and you know what I'm really hurt that i my pray come true that i will not be an outcast in this school instead i will get bullied daily by this handsome monster he is a jerk

Thanks for reading.
Don't know how to write just trying .
If anyone can edit this i will be be grateful.

I love my bully | Taehyung FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz