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Sunnats from 41-50

41) Help her to achieve her potential and help her to dig and find success within as her success is your success.

42) Respect the intimate relationship and its boundaries. PROPHET MUHAMMAD (sallalaho alaihe wassallam ) said she is like a fragile vessel and she needs to be treated tenderly. Sometimes she may not be feeling well, you must respect and appreciate that feeling.

43) Help her to take care of the children. Some men think it makes them appear less of a man but in fact it makes you appear a bigger man and more respected, especially in the sight of ALLAH TA'ALA.

44) Use the gifts of the tongue and sweet talk her. Tell her she looks great, be an artist. Pick and choose gifts of the tongue.

45) Sit down and eat with her and share food with her.

46) Let her know you are traveling. Don't tell her out of the blue as its against Islam. Tell the date/ time of when you are coming back also.

47) Don't leave the house as soon as trouble brews.

48) The house has privacy and secrecy. Once you takes this privacy and secrecy to your friends and family you are in danger of putting a serious hole in your marriage. This secrecy stays home. Islam is against leaving them out like a garage sale for anyone to come and pick and choose.

49) Encourage each other for ibadah. Plan a trip for hajj or umrah together. It increases and strengthens the love when you help each other perform a good deeds together, do tahajuud together or go to dars together etc.

50) Know her rights, not only written in paper but engraved in your heart and engraved in your conscious.


Assalamualaikum fellas m really v v sorry for d late update as I ws deeply engrossed in work . so finally here's an update enjoy reading n try your best to follow these sunnats as well . tc luv u ol .

Xoxo ;) :) :*

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