last ten sunnats :)

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51) Allah Ta'ala said live with your wives in kindness. Treat them with kindness and goodness and fairness.

52) Prophet Muhammad (sallalaho alaihe wassallam) showed that at the time of intimacy don't jump on your wife like an animal!

53) When you have a dispute with your wife don't tell everyone. Its like leaving your wounds open to germs so be careful who you share your problems and disputes with.

54) Show your wife you really care for her health. Good health of your wife is your good health. To care for her health shows her that you love her.

55) Don't think you are always right. No matter how good you are you have shortcomings. You are not perfect as the only one who was perfect in character was Prophet Muhammad (sallalaho alaihe wassallam).

56) Share your problems , your happiness and your sadness with her.

57) Have mercy on her weakness. Have mercy when she is strong or weak as she is the fragile vessel. Prophet Muhammad (sallalaho alaihe wassallam) said that your wife is a trust in your hand.

58) Remember you are her strength , someone to lean on in times of hardship.

59) Accept her as she is. Prophet Muhammad (sallalaho alaihe wassallam) said that women are created from the rib which is bent. If you try to straighten her you will break her(divorce). Prophet Muhammad (sallalaho alaihe wassallam) said that you may dislike one habit in her but you will like another manner in her so accept her as she is.

60) Have good intention for your wife all the time. Allah Ta'ala monitors your intention and your heart at all the times. Allah Ta'ala said among his signs is that he created your wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them and he has put between you affection and mercy. Verily in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect. May Allah Ta'ala fill our homes and heart with tranquility, love and mercy. Ameen Allah humma ameen.


Assalamualaikum my lovely fellas so heres the last ten sunnats. I have really enjoyed myself while spreading these 60 sunnats and really loved all your supports and love. Masha Allah . may Allah Ta'ala give naik tawfeeq to us all. Ameen. I m gonna miss you all v v v v v much . ;) :) :* xoxo


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