The Witching Hour

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A/N: The Witching Hour hangover. Hahaha! I kennat with their sweetness ;___; Lubog na lubog na ako sa feels since last night pa omg hahaha!


Nadine smiled at James as he serenaded her while she cascaded down the stairs.

Everybody cheered when James took her hand and pulled her to the dance floor.

"Sorry, I'm late," he whispered to her ear.

"It's fine. Filipino time talaga eh," she smiled, "Plus, you look good naman. Nag effort ka talaga!"

He laughed, "Yeah, I had to cut out 10 cardboard scissors and stick them to these gloves," he raised his hand and frowned.

She chuckled, "Thank you sa effort, ha. I really appreciate it."

"Anything for the birthday girl," he smiled and put his arm around her.


"Seriously?" she laughed, "Baka magupit mo ako niyan ah!"

James held his scissor hands out to Nadine offering her to dance with him, "Ako bahala. Trust me."

"Okay," she laughed while trying not to ruin his costume, "Baka masira yung costume mo!"

"It's fine. As long as ako ang first and last dance mo tonight, I wouldn't mind."

Nadine smiled and she felt her heart beating faster as the beat dropped slower.

She was slow dancing with him. She looked up at him and he gently pushed her head on his chest. She could hear him singing along to the song.

"I hope you don't mind that I put down in words, how wonderful life is..."

She smiled as she placed her head on his shoulder, pulling him closer.

"Now you're in the world."


"Open it."

Nadine looked at James and shook her head while laughing, "No."

"Why?" he wrapped his arm around her waist while taking the bouquet from her.

"I don't wanna ruin the wrapper," she flashed him a shy smile that made him chuckle.

He shook his head, "Just open it, Nadz."

She carefully untied the ribbon and opened the small box. She saw a glimpse of his gift and looked at him, "Oh my god."

The crowd applauded as she raised up his gift to her. An expensive bracelet that she has been raving about for months now.

"I can't believe it," she looked at him still in shock, "Thank you!" she gave him a quick hug.

James smiled at her, "I want you to wear it,"

She responded with a big smile. He took the bracelet and put it on her left arm, "You deserve everything that you have right now, Nadz."

She looked up at him as he gave her a kiss on the forehead, "Happy birthday."


Nadine stood at the gates of the venue, thanking her guests for coming to her party.

She looked around to see a very familiar face approaching her.

"You had fun?"

She gave him the biggest smile, "I should be asking you the same, Edward Scissorhands."

James chuckled, "Of course I did."

"Well that's good to know."

They stared at each other for a while.

Everything that he did for her tonight flashed through her mind; the gift, the sweetness -- everything.

In that moment, she knew that she can't look at him without seeing him as someone she want to be with for the rest of her life.

"James, can I..." she shut her eyes and kept her composure.

She took a deep breath and looked at him, "Can I talk to you?"


They sat on the sidewalk just outside of the venue. It was lit by christmas lights and the two of found themselves staring at the view.

She looked down, "I don't think I can do this anymore."

James automatically looked at her, "What do you mean?"

She stared at him, "James, friends lang ba talaga tayo?"

He fell silent and looked down as she looked away, "Kasi hindi ko alam kung bakit pero nasasaktan ako ngayon," she wiped the tears that were trickling down her cheek.

"Nasasaktan ako kasi nag a-assume ako that 'Hey, maybe he does like me' but then nasasampal ako ng realidad na 'Oo nga pala, friends lang pala tayo.'" she looked at him again, "Alam mo kung bakit ako nag a-assume?"

He stared up at her and she chuckled, "Kasi ngayong gabi, walang sandali na hindi ko naramadaman na mahal mo ako."

She stood up, "Thank you for this night, James." She walked back to the venue leaving him staring at her shadows.

James stared at his phone, it was already 4am. He scrolled through his instagram account and stumbled upon a picture.

It was Nadine and her family at a fast food chain, she was smiling and holding the bouquet of roses he gave. He smiled at the thought of her and that's when he knew.

"Sige, dad! I ch-check ko lang yung photos sa IG." Nadine smiled at her family who was in line at the counter area.

She scrolled through her Instagram account and stumbled upon a picture of him and James. She frowned at the sight of them looking so in love.

That was until she saw who posted it.

jaye.wolf: To the best partner-in-crime. Happy birthday to you, love.

"Oh my-" she almost dropped her phone when she saw his name appear on her screen.



"Why are you still up? Matulog ka na."

"I just wanted to say I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have let you walk away like that."

"Like what?"

"Crying. I just didn't know what to do."

She chuckled, "You didn't know what to do or you just wanted to see me cry?"

"What? No, I don't!" he laughed.

"Psh, really now?"

"Yeah, because the last thing I wanna see is the person I love crying just because I didn't tell her how much I love her."

She was silent for a few seconds, "You love me?"

"I am in love with you, Nadine Lustre. I'm sorry that I didn't realize that sooner."

She was dumbfounded. It was all too surreal for her.

"Nadine? Are you still there?"

She replied with a chuckle, "Well it's better late than never, you know."

"So I guess I'll be seeing you later, then?"

She felt him smiling through his phone and it immediately put a grin on her face, "Yeah, see you."

"One more thing."


"I love you, Nadine."

She laughed and shook her head.

"Well, yeah. I love you too, partner-in-life."

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