Chapter One

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"Hey, Eli, time to wake up," I heard half asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw my Big Brother Baylor. Baylor is fourteen and best Brother I could ask for, and he always puts my needs before his.

"Morning sleepyhead," Baylor said to me, smiling.

"Morning," I said, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

Baylor was short for his age and thin. He always wore a beanie over his brown hair. I loved looking into his blue eyes because they always seemed so calm despite everything we've gone through.

I don't look that different from my Brother. I'm short for a nine-year-old and extremely thin, but that's the life of a foster kid. I wear a beanie over my brown hair as well. I think it annoys Baylor a bit, but he never says anything.

Once I woke up fully, I noticed it was still dark outside, which annoyed me since it wasn't time for school.

"Baylor! why'd you wake me up it's still dark out?!" I whined.

"Shh! I know. But were leaving tonight," Baylor whispered, yelled.

"Really?" I asked, perking up.

"Yes, all we have to do is get you dressed and pack your bag, so let's go," Baylor explained. I got off my bed and waited as Baylor grabbed a shirt, a pair of jeans, socks, and my blue zip-up sweatshirt out of my bag. Once ready, Baylor helped me out of my Pj's and into the clothes he grabbed. As I took my pajama shirt off, he saw all of my scars and some of the bruises John had recently given me. "You feeling better?" Baylor asked.

"Yeah, but my stomach still hurts from the other day," I answered. A few days ago, John had gotten mad that he lost in one of his poker games, so he took it out on me. I minded my business doing homework when he threw me out of my chair making me land hard on the hard floor, he screamed at me to scram before he got mad I wasn't fast enough and he ended up kicking me in the stomach creating more than one bruise, they were starting to heal but they still hurt.

"That's good. It'll probably be gone by tomorrow anyway," Baylor explained as he helped throw my shirt on me. As he was helping me get my shirt on his sleeve on his right arm came down, and I saw a cut I hadn't seen before.

"Bubba, what happened to your arm?" I asked worryingly.

"Nothing," Baylor said, shoving his sleeve down quickly.

I knew he was lying; it was obvious. "Why'd you lie?"

Baylor looked surprised and hurt as he tried to defend himself, "Eli, I'm not lying-" I gave him a look that said, "Uhhuh."

Baylor took a deep breath before giving in," Okay, you win with your stupid Puppy dog eyes." I smiled at this happy the cute act worked as it always did. "John cut me last night after you went to bed he was drunk and pissed off, so he took it out on us like he always does."

"Is that why we're you leaving?" I softly asked.

"Yes, I can't deal with him anymore, and we'll be safer once we're out of here," Baylor said with a severe tone. I knew Baylor was right. I just hated running away from Foster home after Foster home. I wish we could find a permanent home and live a normal life. Baylor helped me pack up the rest of my bag.

"Is that everything?" Baylor asked as he looked around our room.

"I think so... wait! My Toothbrush," I said, looking panicked.

"Is it still in the bathroom?" Baylor asked calmly.

"I think so. Can I go get it?" I asked, unsure.

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