Chapter Three

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Thanks for all the support guys it means the world to me. But please leave comments so I can hear your thought on the chapter this is my favorite kind of feedback and it motivates me to update sooner! 

Anyway until next time see ya!

"Good, I'll let you unpack and give you some privacy dinner should be ready soon," Diane explained. She started to walk out of the room, closing the door behind her when I stopped her.

"Uh..." I muttered out stumbling over my words. I didn't want to be alone. I never liked being alone, but I couldn't come up with the words to tell Diane.

"Yes, Eli?" She asked with a pleasant expression on her face. When I saw her face, I knew I couldn't ask her to stay. I didn't need to make myself a burden already.

"Nothing," I said, shaking my head at my stupidity.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"No, I'm fine," I said. "I don't want to bother you," I said in a whisper.

I thought Diane didn't hear me, but apparently, she did because she quickly came over with a hurt expression.

"Eli, your not a bother. Trust me." She explained warmly, smiling. "If you want me to stay I can it's no problem, It's what I'm here for."

"How'd she know?" I thought. I don't know how she knew what I wanted, but I'm happy she did cause all I had to do was nod in agreement.

"Great, let's get you settled in," She said, smiling.

Diane headed over to the bed and sat down then motioned me to hand her my bag," Here let me see your backpack."

I handed her my navy blue bag and watched as she opened it and begun pulling my clothes out and folding them on the bed. There wasn't much to go through, only two shirts, one pair of jeans, a pair of socks and one pair of underwear. All the clothes had holes in them and looked battered and worn.

Some of these clothes I've had for a while, and some have been hand-me-downs former foster parents gave me.

Diane furrowed her brow as she looked back in my bag, finding no more clothes after laying out my last pair of underwear.

"Sweetie, is this everything?" She asked, concerned.

I nodded, admitting the truth.

"Well, then I better buy you some then, but until then, I'll give you some of Daniel's old clothes," She said with a cheery tone.

"You don't have to," I said quickly. I doubt I'll be here long; they'll probably ask to get rid of Baylor and Me, so I didn't want them spending money before they began hating us. And I didn't need Daniel hating me because I'm wearing his clothes. I don't even know him yet.

"I want to," She said quickly, beginning to put my clothes away in the dresser. "And Daniel won't mind. He can't wear those clothes anyway."

I began to protest again before Diane shot me down, "It's okay, Eli, we do it for all our kids your no different."

I could see I wasn't winning the argument, so I gave in and stopped arguing.

Once my clothes were put away, we heard a call for dinner from downstairs, so Diane suggested we head down. I followed her downstairs as butterflies began to flutter in my stomach. Like I've said, I hate meeting new people, and now I had to sit and eat with a bunch of strangers. I hope they don't start trying to talk to me, or I might shutdown.

When we arrived, I saw everyone at once for the first time, and they're a lot of kids living here. There's Hazel, the small girl who scared me earlier and liked to give hugs. She didn't seem so bad after her first impression, but time will tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2020 ⏰

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