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Harry looks confused

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Harry looks confused.

Harry: How did you find out our nicknames? ...Well, I guess you guys are asker's. Well Topaz is the 'mom' of the group. He is really sweet, and somewhat innocent. But he will not hesitate to stab a bitch if he hurts on of his children. Jake is the dad, and is more stern than Topaz. But he's real nice, and very protective. Steven is... Well, interesting. He acts so annoyed with all of us and acts like he hates us. But, if someone hurts us, he will straight up cause murder. Peter is cool, just teases us like a big brother would. And Roger is the sweetest thing ever. We're all very protective of him.

Topaz: My children are all awesome! And Jake is really sweet, he takes care of them when I can't.

Jake: Ahh, they've all grown so much.

He snickers, then begins to blush.

Jake: And Roger's, amazing. I swear his smile could light up the room. I just wish he did it more often.

Peter: My bro makes some really good friends.

Steven shrugs.

Steven: Eh, they're ok.

Roger: They are amazing, sometimes I think I don't deserve them. They make me happy. Especially Jake.

He blushes very deeply.

[A BIT OLD] (Completed) Ask DSAF'S High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now