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Dave: You little shit

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Dave: You little shit.

Peter: Yeah! Steven's really awesome.

Steven: Ok, maybe I thought he looked hot, but so what? That doesn't mean anything! >////<

Jake sighs, smiling at Roger being adorable.

Roger smiles
Roger: Um, what's your name?

Topaz: I don't! And he was just being a decent human being! There's no way he would like someone like me...

Vincent grits his teeth, taking a deep breath to calm down.

Jeremy smiles.
Jeremy: Wanna go explore?

Mike: Shut it tin can.
He grumbles, crossing his arms.

Dee: O-Of course!

Jack shakes his head.
Jack: You're right, enough depressing shit. Let's do something, I'm bored.

Matt smiles, looking tired from his breakdown in Harry's arms. He pats the robot.
Harry smiles at Matt, and pats his robot as well.

[A BIT OLD] (Completed) Ask DSAF'S High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now