Chapter Thirteen

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Are you sure about this, Brody?

I'm positive. I made my decision.

Just remember-

I know the consequences, Dad.

Alright . . . Just know we will support you. No matter what.

° ° °

"What was said at the meeting?" Dean asked our parents as soon as they walked through the door.

They held grocery bags in the arms. Dean, Scott, and I followed them into the kitchen to help and to found out the answer to Dean's question. It was just after seven in the evening. Scott and I just arrived home from practice not too long ago. After a shower and a snack, we waited with Dean for our parents to come home.

I took the bags out of Mom's hands and proceeded to take out the food and store them away.

"Thank you, Brody," she said with relief.

I gave her a smile and set the cereal in the cupboard. We all stood around the island unloading the bags and putting the food in their appropriate location.

"Alpha Evans said the number of sentinels will be doubled for all shifts," Dad answered. "Also, he agreed to have another pack meeting this Friday at noon. On whereabouts on how we can protect ourselves personally."

"From the looks of it, there's a good half of the people who feel safe and okay with what Alpha had to say, and another good half who are still on edge and not sure about their safety," Mom added. "With people still scared from the attack and trying to plan strategies to protect everyone, Alpha Evans has stuff planned for us."

Just what I predicted.

"We may not be home as often. Until this all settles down, we will contribute our all to help," Dad said.

"How's Reese?" Dean asked.

"Doctor Levin said he's healing well and fast. He should be able to go on runs soon."

"Hey, what about our game Friday? We'll you guys be able to make it?" Scott asked.

"We'll be there. Wouldn't miss seeing Brody play for the world," Dad said.

"I still don't know if I'm playing yet," I reasoned.

"He's definitely playing," Scott said and bit into a fresh apple.

"Whether you play or not, we'll still be there to support the both of you," Mom said.

"I'm still in shocked on how Brody even got on the team. For him to join halfway through the season and possibly have him play, can you even do that?" Dean stated.

"Probably not." Scott shrugged. "But it is Coach Moran. Nothing will stop him. Anything he says, goes."

° ° °

How is this going to work?

I have been doing a lot of thinking. After the unexpected attack, people will still be on edge. One, there has not been one in years. Two, they don't know about the other attacks on packs. Meaning Alpha Evans has his hands full and worrying about one pack member should not be on the top of his list.

You have a point. It doesn't look good to worry about one person who is a 'suppose' threat to your position when you already have a whole pack to take care of.

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