Chapter Twenty-One

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"I'm glad you came over last night," I muttered. "Now you're stuck here to spend the snowday with me."

He ran his fingers through my wavy tangled locks and smooth them out. It felt like heaven. I snuggled closer to him, craving his touch.

"What shall we do?" He asked.

My heart skipped a beat when he spoke because his voice was still rough from sleep and I felt his hard chest vibrate against my head.

"I say we discuss that over breakfast," I said.

Just then my stomach growled, and my face flushed with embarrassment.

He chuckled. "Yes. Let's do that."

I withdrew my arms from him and scooted off my bed. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I heard Brody get up and move around, probably putting his shirt back on after last night's steamy make out session.

I felt my cheeks flush and smiled at the memory.

Brody had slipped his hands under my shirt on the skin above my waist. I remembered pressing my body hard against his. I flipped us over so I was on top and pulled his shirt over his head. His surprised face made me giggled, but that soon ended when his lips attack mine. I kissed back then moved to kiss his warm skin from his neck to all the way down to his chest and all over his abs and back up.

Brody was not all buff and muscles, but he had nice defined hard abs and muscles on his arms. He was strong, too. He prooved that to me time and time again when he would randomly me pick up with ease.

I checked my appearance in the mirror. My messy bun sat on the top of my head and a few fly aways fell down. I splashed some water on my face to wake me up and patted it dry with a towel.

I heard something fall in the next room. I exited the bathroom to see what it was. Brody had a pile of papers at his feet as he stared at something on my desk. My breathing hitched when I realized the book he saw was my recent check out from the local library on the myths and legends of werewolves. The papers at his feet were my notes from my reading.

Brody slowly turned to face me. He eyes were unrecognizable. There was a mixture of deep emotions that displayed on his face. He glanced back at the book then me again and he took a hestaint step toward me.

I couldn't form any coherent words. A part of me wanted to say it was all for a project, the other part wanted to tell him the truth in what I found.

Would he believe me?

I recalled when he and his father said I had nothing to worry about. The wolf I seen was one of kind.

But the video.

"There's something I have to tell you," we both stated simultaneously.

I let out a small laugh after and went to sit on my bed. Brody sat down next to me, close enough our shoulders brushed each other.

"You go first," he said.

I turned to face him completely, with one leg up on the bed and one still dangling toward the floor. I felt a bit anxious and even embarrassed. Brody's brown eyes stared at me with curiosity, yet his eyes brought me an odd sense of comfort.

"I have been reseaching about the wolf I saw the that night a while ago. I know you told not to worry, but I got curious about it. I was going to drop it after not founding anything, but there was a video. . ."

"What video?"

"I found a video of a group of campers that came across a wolf like the one I seen. The owner of the video said something about lycans or werewolves." I paused when Brody sucked in a breath.

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