Chapter Twenty-Three

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My head and eyelids felt heavy like a pound bag of sand was weighing them down. My neck was stiff and protested each time I attempted to lift or turn my head. I tried to pray open my eyes, but all I saw was black.

I heard the sound of muffled voices and the soft crunch of the earth under their feet. Slowly, but surely I was coming back to consciousness. I remembered what happened before my world turned dark. Three werewolves had attacked me then I was pricked with something sharp and everything went black.

A sudden shiver went through me, and I felt tiny drops of sweat coat my face. The cold air felt sensitive on my skin. Every time the wind blew, the air felt like needles stabbing my flesh. I was freezing, yet my body was sweating. As I came down from this hazey state of mind, countless of tingles developed at my the tips of my fingers and toes. As if whatever was effecting my body was finally leaving through my digits.

"Wait, stop! Did you hear that?" A voice to my left whispered sternly.

"Dude, cut the crap. This is the third time," another voice complained from in front of me.

"No! I swear this time there is something out there. Look!"

"Who goes there?" A third voice hollered to my right.

I tried to raised my head again and succeeded. Two rogues had each of my arms draped over their shoulders and an arm around my back as they hauled me along as they walked. My feet were sweapt behind me and the tips of my shoes dragged along the ground.

"They're coming towards us," someone stated the obvious.

If those sounds were more rogues who fought with them, I knew there was no way for me to escape them alive. I would be pinned down and shot up with whatever they previously gave me after I took down one of them. I still felt weak. I tried to call forth my wolf for his strength, but he seemed to be having the same challenge as me.

I began praying to the the Mother of the Moon for it not to be more rogues, but someone from the Rivero Pack I could trust to get away from these werewolves alive. My family never express our belief for any higher power, but now I wished I knew more of the practices within the pack. In that moment, I regretted not attending the gatherings on Sunday mornings. If I had, I would know what exactly to say to the Mother of the Moon to be granted her protection.

I was not ready to die and part me knew I wouldn't, but it was not going easy getting out of this situation. I couldn't leave. I refuse to leave my family, my friends, my mate, Ophelia.

Multiple footsteps approached us at above averge human speed. I nearly broke out in tears at the sight of Scott, Jackson, Kale, and even Aiden Evans. An intense sense of relief came over me. I never thought after the unfortunate situation the Alpha's son and I were in I would being so much as willing to hug him.

They were all in loose fitted clothing and runners. Kale and Jackson had to raise their arms to catch their breath, but Scott and Aiden seemed the least bit tired.

"Who are you?" The rougue who spoke last, demanded.

"Someone you wish you never met," Scott growled smugly.

The two rogues holding me up started to panic as they shared a wide eyed glance at each other. Suddenly, they both released me which sent me to falling to the ground. I landed with a audible grunt on the cold hard forest floor. Murderous growls and snarls where hear all around as they all shifted into their wolf.

Scott, with a fur coat dark as the night sky, lunged first at the rogues. He snapped at ones neck and pushed him back with his snout and managed to get the upper hand. He stood over he rogue almost the same size as him and bared his sharp teeth. His eyes blazed with fury.

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