Chapter Twenty-Five

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Jai raised his large hand back over his head and in a swift motion he brought it down on Ophelia's right cheek. A loud slap echoed around the clearing. Ophelia fell to the ground with a heartbreaking cry.

Without much thought about my future actions, I sprinted and slammed into the one who harmed my mate. The impact took us both down to the forest floor. I pounded my fist into his face over and over until there was blood running from his nose. Jai tried to punch me back, but I caught his fist in midair and gave it a twist until the bone snapped.

He cried out in agony. His eyes turned yellow and he howled as I twisted his injured arm some more. Once he stopped resisting me, I rolled off him. I crawled over to Ophelia who was still on the ground watching me with frightened eyes. I gathered her in my arms and she responded by clinging on to me for dear life.

"I'm here. It's okay. I'm here, Fee," I whispered in her hair.

Her sweet scent engulfed me like a warm banket. The heartache and dispair I felt without her vanished. All that mattered was she was here with me away from the rogues. Although not completely, I was here to protect her. I kissed the crown of her head and cupped her face in my hands and stared deep into her beautiful blue eyes. Her cheeks were wet with tears and red from the abuse she received. I cursed myself for not moving fast enough to prevent her pain.

"Don't worry. I'm going to get us out of here. I'll keep you safe, I promise," I told her in earnest.

She placed her hands over mine and grasped them tightly and nodded. I wiped a stray tear from her swelled skin. She moved her eyes all over my face, as if she could not believe I was there.

"I missed you," she whispered.

I wanted to laugh. Of all the things she could have said in that moment, she chosen that. Then I realize, what else was she suppose to say. There was nothing I expected her to say. A bail rasied in my throat and I wanted to profess how much I missed her too. Including, how hard it was for me to not be with her, not knowing she will ever speak to me again, and . . . how much I loved her.

I opened my mouth to say I felt the same, when a wave a nausea hit me. I fell back on my feet and Ophelia followed. Indescribable pain and sickness was hitting me in waves. It felt like someone was slamming a hammer down on my head repeatedly. I cried from the unexpected torment.

"Brody?" I heard Ophelia shout.

Suddenly I'm not in the forest anymore, but in a house. I stood in a living room. The all the lights in the room were off. The only light came from the television that played a baseball game. I walked around the couch, farther into the room, and in between the counch and coffee table layed a body face down on the carpet.

I slowly knelt down and pushed on the body's shoulder to roll it over. I spung back surprised from the state of the corpse. It was a middle aged man with his eyes wide open and mouth slightly agaped and matted hair.


Blood was everywhere. It nearly covered every inch of his body. I knew without a doubt he was dead. I peered closely at him to figure out how he died. On his neck was a long an deep gash that went around the front of his neck.

I raised my hand to cover my mouth and nose from the decaying flesh stench. I gasped when I saw red liquid running down my fingers to the palm of my hand and down my wrist and forearm.

"He was my first."

I whipped around and saw Xander standing in front on the television with his arms casually crossed over his chess.

"My father. Though he does not deserve that title, he was poor excuse for one," he said nonchalantly. "And he blamed me for a death I did not cause."

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