The Cold Melancholy

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Inside The Palace of the Sun, there exists a beautiful Little Princess with curly hair and green eyes. And his brother, a blue eyed mystic is destined to succeed the throne.

The Little Princess was always crying because she didn't have the stamina to catch up to her big brother...

And her big brother stood there laughing at her, when she tripped, he would stand there and finish his hearty laughter,

And she would feel really sad because her big brother stood there while making fun of her when all she wanted was for him to come and pick her up and comfort her.

But she was just too cute and he couldn't resist teasing her more.

The little girl and the little boy were always in the garden of their parents, venturing into the unknown and one day they came across a cliff.

He was always annoying her. Jake then told her that it was better, if he played alone when deep inside, he knew that he really preferred to be with her little sister. Jake never wanted to say it out loud, because he's way too coy to express what he felt.

Then one day, her littler sister, ventured out into the forest all alone.

On that moment,  she saw her big brother, Jake, cheek to cheek with the witch of the forest that she saw vividly in front of her.

This scene shattered her heart into tiny little pieces. Jake always told her that there was a pretty young lady living deep inside the darkest side of the forest, but Aia, repeatedly told him, "No Big Brother, she is not what it seems."

Her sister knew, that the forest was cursed. All men who went inside would be blinded by the witch living there. The bewitchment stood as a protection for the kingdom. At the edge of the wilderness, there lies a cliff and it was the only secret entrance, to the Magical Kingdom of The Palace of the Sun.

The Queen casted a curse and a spell inside the Dark Forest, that whoever ventured into the forest would find their selves lost... in the snare of an ugly old lady and masked off in their sight as an irresistible young woman. And The Queen knew that the ugly witch would agree to her invitation to reside in the forest, when all the while, she knew that the only thing to keep someone at bay, is to have an eye on them always...

The Queen was always reminding his son, that as an heir to throne, to  be vigilant, never to venture out alone, because in this secret curse that she casted, whoever comes in half would be lost and separated from its origin.

And his son, Jake, never knew that the reason his little sister would always go follow him into the deepest trenches of the woods and the bushes inside the Dark Forest, was because she was his light, and she was there to protect him.

Then the little princess wept her heart out, because that night, Jake promised him to grant her, her wish, if she would allow him to go out alone, and never even follow him, even as a shadow.

His littler sister was so excited to ask for her wish from the big brother that she loved so much, but to her horror, the witch who visited her in her dreams came alive, and now his big brother was in the claws of the evil witch...

And she wanted to run to him, as she saw how the evil witch was slowly eating his heart and soul out while he was sharing a apparently deadly cheek to cheek kiss with the evil witch.

Their lips didn't touch but, as the evil witch had her hands on his cheeks, his soul was slowly oozing out, and the little princess saw this happen on a split second.

She then screamed so loud, the whole kingdom heard the most deafening shriek ever recorded in history. The Queen who watched everything unfold, saw her daughter, and her son, again, fall into the trap of her own maze.

The Queen always protects her beloved sons and daughters so she knows that they have to experience the pain of the deep fall. Only then can they discover that their dreams, are bigger than their fears. Halfway through the seduction of the evil witch,  his big brother suddenly felt that he woke up from a daze, as he heard the shriek of his little sister.

He then hurriedly left the snares of the woman, and ran as he searched for her frantically, and he found her little sister, slowly collapse, from the shock. As if in slow motion she fell dramatically in the arms of her brother, who regretted every single thing that happened.

The next morning, the little princess, never wanted to get up from her bed. She started to refuse taking her meals and even play outside of the castle.

His big brother then thought he was free, but he was slowly falling into a trap, because her little sister became weak and fragile, so he became increasingly interested in the forest.

And one day, as he was about to enter the dark forest once again, he then looked to his right and saw his little sister walking begrudgingly, while being so lost in the dark forest, he was following her intently doubting if her little sister was about to meet someone else in secret.

She was in so much pain, she was wallowing in tears. He was perplexed to see her crying. He wanted to punish this guy and he wanted to know who was this impertinent bastard who has hurt her little sister.

At the edge of the cliff, he waited for 10 minutes, waiting to see if someone would appear and meet her beloved little Princess.

Her little sister, then knew that his big brother was following him in her agonizing steps.

Slowly and steadily she went closer to the edge, he then ran to his little sister but it was already too late,

A minute before she moved to her last tread at the edge of the cliff, she then looked back at his older brother and told him. "You were wrong all this time, it was you, I was waiting for, now, I know that in my last breath, I just wish that you would remember me, as someone else and not the annoying little girl who followed you around all the time. I LOVE YOU BIG BROTHER, I HOPE I SEE YOU IN MY NEXT LIFETIME, AND THIS TIME I HOPE I WOULD BE THE WOMAN WHO WOULD BE WRAPPED AROUND IN YOUR ARMS AS WE LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER, THAT IS JUST A WISH AND A DREAM, I HOPE THAT BY SACRIFICING MY LIFE FOR YOU, I WILL ALWAYS BE A MEMORY, AND IF POSSIBLE A REALITY... ADIEU, BIG BROTHER."

She then fell backwards with her eyes closed, towards the cliff that seemed to have no end, as she felt the clouds embrace her in cold melancholy that seemed to have brought comfort in her aching heart...

He then ran to the edge the cliff, and jumped and followed after her, hugging her whole body from the freezing atmosphere that they both felt.

And then he realized, how he regretted his actions and concluded that, he only has eyes for her.

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