The Cardinal and The Priestess: Project Arc

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Both identities where verified by the Records, and in here Aia was then perfecting her three dimensional spell.

Jay was busy placing alchemic spells into each location in the Universe to trace and have a footprint on the location of Aia and her soul projections.

"Ne, ne, Jay oni-sama, I've found the perfect soul root blueprint to upload the virtual three-dimensional reality of the mortal realm," Aia then mentioned to her brother Jay.

"So how do you plan on enticing each elementals to participate in this virtual reality?" Jay then further questioned his sister.

"Easy, I'll just upload it on the first archive of the universe, and even from eons ago, this virtual reality will be accesible to all beings, masters and elementals who are existing." Aia simply explained.

Jay was bewildered, "Isn't it against the rules to modify the Akashic Records without the knowledge of the Divine Creator?"

"Yeah, I've learned upon it, so I then open a dimensional gateway into the coordinates of The Divine Creator and asked for his permission. It was amusing, He was in a very beautiful garden beside a beautiful maiden, and they were enjoying the time of their lives," Aia replied confidently as if it was the easiest thing to do.

Only a few namely, the King, the Queen and Jay have met the Divine Creator.

"You were supposed to know about this, after you turn 15," Jay then stated.

"But you knew about this when you were two, and I learned about this when I was four, so I guess, we can say we're even," she then laughed and said poutingly.

"Okay kidding aside, Aia, why do you need to put a safety blanket on the Records?" he then fussed.

"While I was travelling to different gateways and different dimensions, I've learned that everyone mostly cares for their own lust of power, and they have been attempting to recreate a fake soul blueprint while using synthetic materials as dna, and trying to make beings like robotic dolls and treating them like slaves."

"Some of these leaders in different races are very greedy and would do everything in their power to conquer all multiverse. Someone in the celestial heavens are helping them gain access to forbidden gateways and dimensional platforms. I need to find out who they are, and what's their purpose in giving out their own access keys." Aia then seriously clarified.

A group of people named themselves "Omni" has been wreaking havoc all over the universe. They are against knowing their inner selves and are content in the pleasures of materialism and simulation.

Aia was the only one capable of conjuring a three dimensional virtual reality simulated life because she has a power called "Void". In creating this project, she must "void" out all conditions present in a living pattern, and upload and recreate the same scenery with a different path or gateway, users of this 3-d virtual reality, will experience and sensitize their physicality on a physical body very seemingly like it's the real one on a physical environment.

But from here on, the set of rules and algorithms are very strict. If you don't learn based on the module it has set, you will then be reincarnated back into your origin, and life itself will happen again with the same set of rules, until you assimilate and master the knowing of yourself, and one of those skills is detachment.

"So in short, you are giving them a dose of their own medicine, called simulation?" Jay then let out a quick chuckle to express his amusement, to the ideas of his beloved.

"Yup, exactly, Jay-sama, they will never know that they are already in a simulated world, and once the truth has been set free it means the golden era of life is about to start." Aia then remarked.

"But for this to work, they have to enter a contract between the maker and the user," Jay then enunciated.

"It's very easy Jay-onisama, Omni's are giving out their access codes right? And in that access code, they have the capability of faking their entry into the Akashic Records. This I have verified from the Heavens, thankfully, they have not yet explored the Akashic as of yet because I coded another security layer where in their energies are automatically identified, and once those energies are not inside the list of granted authorizations, they will be automatically led to my 3d virtual reality project called Project Arc. This will prompt them into answering whether they want to be added into the list of entry permission. A message would appear, and say, "You are forbidden to enter this gateway, should you insist, we need your confirmation to be granted a different permission," and a yes or no button will be shown, once they click yes. A disclaimer then will show, "The Library will not be held responsible for any changes in transmission and energy in your soul blueprint, would you like to continue?" then the same buttons, yes or no will then appear, and once they affirm and agree, contract is then made. Aia then expounded.

Automatically the user, will be seen a moving clip regarding the creation of the world, and user will then be initiated into Project Arc.

Everybody likes it the easy way, wherein all of their problems will be answered by just one click of a finger. And they use The Library to their own selfish objectives, and we must protect the sanctity of this information that the Infinte Creator has given us, or else everything will perish into darkness.

Jay then further inquired, "Why not just report the incidents to The Heavens and let them take charge of the situation?"

"As I've said Jay-onisama, there are people who cannot be trusted in The Heavens, and I can't risk the safety of the Palace of the Sun, just because of their inadequacy," Aia then answered his inquiry.

"Why not come up to the Heavens so that you can join in their ranks? You're qualified my bethrothed." he then enthused.

"I'm working on it, Jay-onisama," she replied.

Without further ado, Jay then made an alchemic spell, he placed his right hand on the Library book, while giving his unique access key, and accessed their Angel reincarnation, he then made sure that both of them will be reincarnated in the Heavens.

Aia then noticed the spell that her brother has made, she then made sure that their soul origin will stay inside The Palace of The Sun.

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