Chapter 4

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Luke's p.o.v

Today was Monday. Ugh I hate getting up for school. I got dressed and sent a good morning text to Ashton. I went to my closet and picked out what I was going to wear to school. Once I was ready I walked downstairs. I guess my parents had to leave early for work today so I was alone. I went to the kitchen and opened the freezer. I grabbed my eggo pancakes and cooked them. Once they were done I ate. After I finished eating I put my plate in the dishwasher and watched tv. When It was time to go to school I grabbed my bag and locked the door. I walked over to Ashton's house and knocked on the door. His stepdad answered.

Luke: Good morning Joe.

Joe: Good morning Luke. Ashton will be out in a minute.

Luke: Ok.

I watched Ashton come down the stairs. Before he could leave Joe grabbed his arm and whispered something into his ear. 

Ashton: Good morning Lukey!

I looked at Ashton and saw that he was holding onto his side.

Luke: Ashton what did he do to you?

Ashton: It's nothing that he hasn't done before.

Luke: Let me see.

We moved to the side of the house so people wouldn't see us. I lifted up his shirt and looked at his ribs. There was one spot that was bruised

Ashton: It's just a bruise.

Luke: Ashton if it hurts to walk then I think you bruised your rib.

Ashton: Well I can't do much about that now can I? So just forget about it and let's go to the bus stop before we are late!

Luke: Ash I didn't mean to make you mad. It's just that he is getting more abusive now.

Ashton: Well I only have to deal with with it for 2 and a half more years. I will be fine.

Luke: But you shouldn't have to deal with it at all. He should be in jail.

Ashton: I can't do that to my mom. She loves him.

Luke: If she knew what he does to you then I bet that would change.

We got to the bus stop and luckily for us we didn't have to wait long. We took our usual seat on the bus and listened to music. When we got to school we went to our lockers and then found Michael.

Michael: So do you think we will see that Calum guy?

Ashton: Well considering this is the only school yeah we probably will see him.

Luke: Alright let's go to class. 

We walked to class and said goodbye to Ashton. Before I could sit down at my desk the teacher told me I was wanted in the office. I left the classroom thinking of what I did to be sent to the office. I pushed the doors that lead to the office open and saw the secretary.

Secretary: Hi Luke. Principal Evans just wants to speak to you for a few minutes.

Luke: Ok.

I walked into his office and to my surprise saw the principal along with Calum and his parents.

Luke: Um hi.

Principal: Hello Luke. This is our new student Calum Hood. He is in 3 of your classes. His parents wanted someone I could trust to show him around the school. 

Calum: You don't have to do this just so you know. My parents are just fucking overprotective and think I need their help to make friends.

Luke: No I want to.

Calum: Ok then.

Principal: So Luke take Calum to his lockers and then head back to class.

Joy: Have a great first day of school honey!

Calum: Thanks mom. You guys can go now. I am 16 and don't need my parents to walk me to class.

David: Ok bye.

We walked out of the principals office and I immediately started talking to him.

Luke: Well your parents seem really nice.

Calum: Don't get me wrong. I love them and all but they are too overprotective. Like no one needs there parents to fucking walk them to class. 

Luke: So when did you move here?

Calum: Last week. I was born in Sydney but my mom is from New Zealand so we moved there. They decided a few months ago that they wanted to move back here.

Luke: I saw you at church yesterday. Not many people here like the same music we do.

Calum: Yeah. I hate that church. No offense to you or anything.

Luke: Oh none taken. My friends and I don't want to be there either. Oh and here is your locker.

He opened his locker and put what he didn't need for class in it. We then headed to geography.

Calum: By the way who was the guy at church with the pink hair?

Luke: That is my friend Michael. Why?

Calum: He's hot. I mean just look at him. 

I looked around and saw no one in the halls.

Luke: Calum you can't just blurt that out! What if someone hears you?

Calum: Please don't tell me you are homophobic too?

Luke: No I am not homophobic. It's just that like everyone else in this town basically is.

Calum: Well I don't care if people know that I like dick. They can get over it. Why do you care so much? Are you sure you are not homophobic because if you are then you don't need to hang around me.

Luke: No. I actually have a boyfriend. No one in this town knows not even Michael.

Calum: Who is your boyfriend?

Luke: His name is Ashton. He was the guy I sat beside yesterday.

Calum: Cool. Well let's get to class.

We walked into class and sat down Luckily for us the only empty desk was beside Michael and I. The teacher caught him up on what we were doing. I checked my phone and saw I had a text message from Ashton. He was saying how bored his history class was. I told him that Calum was here and that we had Math with him next.


It was lunch so the 4 of us went to the cafeteria. We were all getting along pretty well with Calum. I told Ashton that Calum knows about us. He was scared at first but Calum said he wouldn't tell anyone. Michael overheard the conversation. He said he already knew and were just waiting for us to tell him instead of asking. 

Calum: So Michael have you ever had sex with a guy before?

Michael: I'm not gay Calum.

Calum: You say that now but one night with me and I bet I could change your mind.

Michael: I have my eyes on someone else sorry. 

Michael looked over at the table with Hannah, her boyfriend and group of friends.

Ashton: Wait. You like Hannah Ward, the pastor's daughter?

Michael: Yeah.

Luke: You know that's never gonna happen right? 1 she has a boyfriend. 2 her parents along with mine are trying to set the 2 of us up.

Michael: A man can dream Luke!

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