Chapter 19

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Luke's p.o.v

I woke up to my Aunt shaking me awake.

Luke: What's wrong?

Aunt: It's your mom. They think she doesn't have much time left so we are going to the hospital to be with her.

Luke: Who is going?

Aunt: Just the 5 of us.

Luke: Ok I will get Ashton up.

Ashton: Don't worry I am up let's go.

We all got dressed and grabbed what we needed. We drove as fast as we could to the hospital. When we made it to her room it was just my dad, aunt, 2 cousins Ashton and I. I was sitting next to my parents holding my moms hand. It was cold. Her breathing was also getting more irregular.

Luke: I love you.

Within the next few minutes my mom passed away. Everyone was sobbing. After a while we had to call the funeral home so they could take her body. Once they took her body we left the hospital.


It has been 4 days since my mom died. Today was the funeral. I got dressed and was in the bathroom brushing my hair.

Ashton: Are you ready?

Luke: I'm ready as I'll ever be.

We got into the car and drove to the church where the funeral was being held. When we walked inside we were taken to a room with Pastor Ward. He explained to us what was going to happen. They haven't closed the casket yet so we were allowed to go in one last time to say goodbye. They decided that we could either go in all together or go in separately. My dad decided that we could go in separately or bring someone if we want. I was going in last with Ashton cause I didn't want to go in alone. I had to go to the bathroom so I left the room. When I was on my way I saw Hannah helping people set up.

Luke: Hannah!

Hannah: Luke!

I ran up to her an hugged her.

Luke: It's so good to see you!

Hannah: It's good to see you too Luke! I just wish it could be under better circumstances. Sorry for your loss.

Luke: Thank you.

Hannah: I have to get back to the kitchen. You have my instagram if you ever need anything.

Luke: Thanks Hannah.

I went to the bathroom and then went back upstairs. It was my turn. Ashton grabbed my hand and we walked into the room. My mom was wearing one of her favourite outfits. They also did her makeup they way she wore it every day. I grabbed her hand and cried. I said goodbye and wiped my tears. Ashton hugged me as we went back to the others. The funeral was starting soon so everyone was showing up. When it was time we all walked into the funeral. I had my dad on one side and Ashton on the other. The funeral started and eventually people went up to speak. My dad was next. He asked me if I wanted to talk but I knew once I started talking I would cry too much to be able to talk. Once the funeral was over we had to go to the cemetery for the burial. I cried as they lowered the casket into the ground. I knew it was the last time I would ever see her. After the burial we had to go back to the church for the funeral reception. When we got there we sat down and ate. I just wanted to be alone. After the reception we went back to well I guess my dad's house. I went to my old bedroom and shut the door. They left it exactly how it was when I left. I got into my bed to cry by myself. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door.

Luke: Go away I want to be alone!

Dad: Luke you don't have to hide away in your room. I know how your feeling. I lost my mom around the same age.

Luke: How did you deal with it.

Dad: It's gonna be a long process. You are allowed to grieve and you don't have to hide it. It will eventually get easier.

My dad hugged me and after we finished talking I decided to go back downstairs.

Ashton: Hey babe are you ok?

Luke: I guess.

Ashton: If you need anything just talk to me.

Luke: I need to go back home.

Ashton: What do you mean?

Luke: I don't know. I just need to get out of Australia and I never want to come back.

Ashton: Well our flight leaves tonight. Will you be ok until then?

Luke: I think so.

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