Chapter 9

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Erika Pov

I was walking in a dark room until I bumped into something so I looked down to see what it was and I recognize my bed but I looked on it as good as I can since it was dark and saw someone in it so I reach down and pulled the covers off and saw a guy and he had the same body as my little bad boy but couldn't tell what his face looked like since it was dark but saw he had blonde hair and I was about to get closer to see his face clearer but I got pulled into him and then I heard

Ring Ring Ring

I shot up and I recognize it was not real since I looked around and saw daylight peaking out of my windows in my room and I got up and open the curtains then I turn to look at the time and saw it was 6:30 am so I got dress brush my hair and put some light makeup on with my classic white vans with my glasses on and went to school

My Outfit and Makeup

My Outfit and Makeup

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Jake Pov

So last night E fell asleep on me even though we said goodnight I wasn't that tired and she just wanted me to stay up all night just talking with her but I knew we couldn't do that but, anyways I got to admit she gets cuter and cuter everyday I talk to her and I just really want to know what she looks like so I can put a face to the person so I don't have to keep imagining her looks and facial expression. I can finally see her as she should be notice and honestly she makes me a lot more a happier and I am really thankful for that but enough of E it is almost school time it's actually 7:15 am so I got up and got ready in this

 I can finally see her as she should be notice and honestly she makes me a lot more a happier and I am really thankful for that but enough of E it is almost school time it's actually 7:15 am so I got up and got ready in this

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Then went to school.

During School

I was about to leave my English Class but my teacher pulled me over and said

T: Jake you need to get your grades up if you don't you are going to fail

J: Why can't you just pass me

T: That isn't how it works Jake you need to do your work

J: Yeah but I don't do that

T: Yeah I know so since you don't really care I want to see improvement so you could graduate this year so you won't need these classes if you do all the work last year so I am giving you the benefit of the doubt since you failed last year I am letting you complete all your work you miss last year for a full grade and the tests you have to make up from failing I am taking 30% off that grade and that be your score for those but you have to get a tutor to be with you everyday you don't have practice or away games and we talk to your coaches so they know and by we I mean me and your math and science And social studies teacher all talked and they agree with this and all the work is going to your tutor so you don't have an excuse you lost them and we want a week of work done in two days Jake this isn't a joke you need to pass to graduate so after your torment for wrestling and football this will all start ok

J: Eh ok

I left after I said that rolling my eyes like usual at these teachers and throughout the whole entire school day that is basically all I heard but my math teacher said

T: You be off the team if the work I gave you isn't finish by 3 to 4 Months from now and it's End of September and beginning of October so basically the new year I must have all the work I gave you last year finished or that is going to be the outcome

So yeah that was basically my day and why they are doing this is because last year I didn't do anything so I failed and I have back to back classes of the same subject but different grades this year to pass all of them that I failed so basically I can get out of all them if I do this work and for some reason I am up for it but I honestly don't know why and right after all my classes and that basically was my math class since it was my last class I left school and went home but before I went home I froze because I saw the Jeep but I said to myself

"Leave her alone when you are meant to find out you will find out and I hope it's soon"

That's made me go home and think about her that lead me to texting her

J: "Hey are you free to talk."

Just in second my phone beep and I saw I received a text from her

E: "Actually not yet had to stay after school to talk to 4 teachers since they want to ask me something but I will text you when I get home."

J: "Ok E you will be miss."

E: "Oh god don't start with that."

J: "Ehh I am going to start with that ttyl"

E: "Ehh you little..."

J: "I am little what"

E: "Devil"

J: "Huh I don't see red."

E: "🤔"

J: "You don't get it do you."

E: "Actually no not really."

J: "In all the shows and movies they basically make him red so yeah I don't see red."

E: "Oh ok I get it now."

J: "Oh god I thought I was stupid."

E: "Hey watch what you say to me."

J: "Owe what are you going to do to me."

E: "Find you and hurt you."

J: "Oh is that a threat."

E: "Maybe Maybe not my little Bad Boy."

J: "Oh I see how it is now."

E: "Yup ok I gtg talk to you when I can."

J: "Ok bye and I am busy for the next few days after school so I unfortunately can't text you as much so ttyl bye."

E: "Bye."

That's basically was it for our conversation today because after that I put down her phone and got ready for my football practice today and mostly those end late where I get home and take a shower and go straight to bed because I am exhausted after those games and that's what happened.

That's it for this chapter thanks for ready and please give it a comment or a vote so I know what you think of the chapter I really appreciate it and thanks again for all the support never expected any of my stories I wrote to be as popular as much as they are and with all the supports that supported me since my first book thanks again it really much appreciated and all I got to say now have a great day and goodbye.

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