Chapter 26

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1 month and half pass

Erika Pov

Today is the day me and Jake broke up I can't comprehend or even explain the pain I am going through honestly it is killing me just thinking about it like why are we braking up why is my life never want me to be truly happy why does it have to end so quick is all the question going through my head right now crying my eyes out since we broke up earlier today by phone since we agreed it be really hard if we saw another so we did it that way and now I am going down stairs to watch friends with Ben and Jerry's

Jake Pov

I fucking miss her

Erika Pov

July 28th

I accepted NYU offer now I am in going to school August 12th and starting August 21st

Jake Pov

July 28th

I accepted my full ride scholarship to Ohio State now I can finally call myself a buckeye

Erika Pov

August 12th

I am leaving Ohio and going to the city of dreams today my mom is crying but she knows she has to let me go sooner or later so she let me go and now I am in the plain to NYC heading to NYU

2 Hours Later

My Plane landed and I am now getting off and going to collect my bags and then go get my Uber I ordered when we landed and it took longer then I expected but i know for sure I be giving him a hefty tip but anyways 15 Minutes pass and I finally have my bags and I am outside at the airport looking for my Uber and I finally found it and went in the car and I said

Erika: "Uber for Erika."

He nodded and he waited to get out of the drop off and pick up lane

15 Minutes Later

We finally got out we are now driving to NYU

30 Minutes Later

I finally made it to NYU since the traffic was horrendous and I am looking at the school now smiling at it and this is the first time I am actually really happy in the last couple months and I got rid of my nerves and replace it with confidence and went to my dorm and when I arrived saw that my roommate was there and she had long black hair and she did look a little mean at first but that thought erased when she approached me and said

Roommate: "Hi roomie my name is Rocky."

Erika: "Hi my name is Erika."

We hugged and just sat and talked and that's been a while since I had a real life conversation with someone besides my mom that's wasn't about Jake I see improvement

Jake Pov

August 22nd

I arrived at Ohio state I said a farewell to my mom and found my room or I should say dorm and saw my roommate was there already and I gave him a small smile and he walked up to me and said

RoomMate: Hey Bro you must be my roommate my name is Anthony

He offer me his hand for a handshake So I accepted it but it end up being a bro shake so I laughed on the inside and that's the first time I laughed since me and you know who broke up but anyways to get my mind off that me and Anthony just talked and I found out he is on the football team so we basically just talked about sports and enjoyed our night and that the first night in a while I enjoyed in a long time

Erika Pov

5 Months Pass

Ok so I am at NYU studying business and music and all I do is sit in my room with Ben and Jerry's and watch Friends with my homework and roommate name Rocky she is literally so fun and just my shoulder to lay on when I am thinking about you know who but what can I say I fell in love and I know I can't fall out of love and That's basically what my days and nights been like since I separated from Jake I do think about him here and there but I have school work and rocky to concentrate on since I am on the road to getting my bachelors degree and since Rocky is a party girl at heart so we go hang out for fun like how can you not your in NYC but I do got to say when I miss home and Jake a lot I do face time my mom here and there because I do miss her and I face time my brother since I always miss him and when I finish FaceTiming them I always stop at the contact with 💔 and I really just want to press call but I know if I do I regret it so I put down my phone and go back to my work or change my mind off it by just calling Rocky to my room for a girls night.

Jake Pov

So Ohio State been doing me well since I been so distracted just hanging out with the guys to playing football and doing homework for my business degree that her name hasn't been popping up in my brain for awhile but there are days I want to call her but I stop myself and I end up just distracting myself by calling Anthony and we go outside and play football or exercise or goes to parties it actually really depends on our mood.

Thanks for reading darling I really appreciate it and I would really love if you voted or comment so know what you thought of the chapter have a great day and goodbye.

👻 Happy Halloween 👻

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