Chapter 24

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Month and Half Pass

Erika Pov

After prom everything been going smoothly until today we have a 1 week to graduation and I got a letter in the mail for my dream school NYU and it said

Mrs. Costell,

We will like to inform you that you been accepted for NYU Music Program and you have a partial scholarship with us we will love for you to be part of our NYU family we will be accepting you in the fall semester see you in New York, NY if this offer is accepted by July 28th.

Sincerely, NYU

Ok I really can't stop reading it with how much shocked I am with this information and I can't wait to tell Jake so I ran to his house in excitement

15 Minutes Later

I got to Jakes house and I ran out of my car to his gym and saw him facing the wall in front of me so I ran to him and jumped on his back and he grabbed me and said

Jake: "Babe watch out."

Erika: "Hehe sorry baby."

Jake: "I love you but please don't hurt me."

Erika: "I try not to baby."

Jake: "So why are you so excited."

Erika: "Oh because of this."

I handed the letter to him and he read it and then he said

Jake: "OMG baby congratulations and are you going."

Erika: "Yes but I want you to be there with me."

Jake: "I can't baby."

Erika: "Awe why."

Jake: "I got a full scholarship to Ohio State for football."

Erika: "Seriously."

Jake: "Seriously."

Erika: "OMG baby congratulations."

I kissed him and we pulled apart and he smiled at me and said

Jake: "Thanks baby."

Erika: "So what are we going too do then."

Jake: "What do you mean babe."

Erika: "About us we are going to be 6 hours away baby."

Jake: "Oh yeah true."

Erika: "So do you know what we are going to do."

Jake: "We can do anything it's all up to you baby."

Erika: "Eh baby why leave this decision on me."

Jake: "Baby it's a hard decision and I want you to decide because I want you to be happy."

Erika: "Eh ok your right but I don't think we should date when we leave."

Jake: "That surprising I thought you where going to say long distance."

Erika: "Honestly I would but I can't do it and don't get me wrong I love you and trust you but I just don't trust that situation."

Jake: "Babe even though you said you trust me you basically said I would cheat."

Erika: "Babe I know you will never it's just."

Jake: "It just what."

Erika: "I can't trust me."

Jake: "What do you mean baby your are so loyal."

Erika: "I know it's just without you I won't be me babe I will be panicking and have anxiety attacks a lot."

Jake: "Why baby."

Erika: "I be going crazy but what will happen if you got in a fight or what happen if you got seriously hurt I can't deal with that if I got a call saying your injured I will drop everything and leave and with that my whole college life will probably be ruined especially with a partial scholarship."

Jake: "Oh yeah you are right babe I haven't thought about it that way."

Erika: "So what does that mean for us."

Jake: "Take a break."

Erika: "Then that's what we do I love you Jake."

I was getting up about to leave but he said

Jake: "Babe I didn't mean now."

Erika: "Oh ok then when are we going to be on a break."

Jake: "The end of July."

Erika: "Ok good I don't know how I would react seeing you everyday for a week."

Jake: "I know I be going crazy."

Erika: "Seriously."

Jake: "Seriously."

I laughed and he put me down and turned around and kissed me and he pulled apart from me and said

Jake: "I Love You Babe."

Erika: "I Love You Too Baby."

That's when we hugged and we stayed there until we got tired and we went to his room and feel asleep while cuddling.

Hey Darling thanks for reading I really appreciate the love and gratitude you all give me please keep it up it greatly appreciate especially the comments and votes thanks again and have a great day and have a good day.

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