Chapter 15

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Jake Pov

Today was stressful I basically skip classes after first period and went home to my gym and punch away my thoughts and why I had thoughts was because of that almost kiss that Erika stopped before it happened and all that I kept running through my head am I even good enough for her why did she pull away does she even like me why did she pull away and so on and I just couldn't handle it so I drove my bike to my house and parked it in the garage and walked to my gym and got ready for a workout in my usual clothes and put the protection on my hand and gloves then I started to punch away on the bags I just couldn't handle those thoughts anymore I was just starting to get angry at them to where I basically did anything I could get my hands on all day until I waited for Erika to arrive to tutor me.

Erika Pov

Today was interesting and I am in my last period right now ignoring everything the teachers where and are saying because I have one thing going through my head is that almost kiss I am like to myself why didn't i kiss him I had a good chance why couldn't I make that happen he was right there looking so cute and sweet and so personal and caring I couldn't hold it I started to lean in but it lead to me pulling away like a scaredy-cat and I was like why why did I do that like out of all the times my actions where wrong why this time why not another time I actually don't need them to do something and it just makes me go back to my dreams why can't I see my dream guy and kiss him but in real life I can see a guy I really like and kiss him but don't why does this have to happen to me and to mostly get my mind off this it be my little Bad Boy but I heard nothing from him I don't know why but hope he is alright. However, back to not kissing the guy I really liked Jake Paul I honestly think since it was that i did not kiss anyone before and I think that the reason why is because I was afraid since I don't know if I am a good kisser and two if he even likes me and three if he will get angry because we don't want that but you never no and when my brain was going everywhere all away until this point I got pulled out of it by

Ring ring ring

The bell was ringing meaning it's time to go home so why I was walking to my car was looking for Jake I saw no sign of him so I shrugged my shoulders and hopped in my car and went to his house but on my way there the closer I got to his house the more nervous I was the more adrenaline went through me that gave me more confidence to where I pulled up in his driveway grabbed my stuff and march in his gym to do what I should of did earlier today was kiss him but know when I was about to open the door I chickened our so i ran away from the door and went on the lawn by the woods but not two close since I started throwing rocks in the woods and I huffed in defeat until I heard

?: "What are you doing out here Erika."

I turned around and saw it was Jake

Erika: "Oh nothing just got here."

Jake: "Are you sure about that."

Erika: "Yeah."

Jake: "Yeah what ever you say."

Erika: "No not this again."

Jake: "Yes this again."

Erika: "Eh."

We both started laughing and Jake stopped out of no where so I looked at him with a questioning face on and said

Jake: "Rik stay still."

Erika: "Why."

Jake: "Because I said so."

I was about to move and he said

Jake: "Please listen to me Erika especially this time."

I gave him an inpatient look and said

Erika: "When can I move."

Jake: When I say so but anyways I am going to count to 3 we both going to be meeting in the middle together where  I want you to jump in my arms

Just like that, that's what he did when he stated counting down numbers and I am still confuse as ever

Jake: "3."

I heard a crack of a leaf and was about turn around but Jake yelled

Jake: "2."

Then I heard another crack of a left behind me but it was a little bit closer but not too close but Jake yelled

Jake: "3."

That's when I followed his orders and ran and just in seconds met up with him and jump in his arms and when he turn around with me I saw why he said that there was a black bear behind me getting closer to me but not anymore since it's chasing us now so I said

Erika: "Jake run."

Jake: "I am Rik."

Erika: "Run faster."

But since I couldn't watch it anymore I hid my head in his neck and tear up a little bit but when he felt the water he said

Jake: "Where safe now don't cry."

I looked up saw we where in the gym with all the door closes and I looked at him with tears in my eyes and said

Erika: "Thank You."

Jake: "Your welcome Rik."

I looked in his eyes but had a little bit tears coming out of my eyes but when they stop he wiped them away and I smiled at him and all my brian was yelling is here is my chance minus well take it you might never get it again that's when I knew this time I had to so that's what I did I kissed him straight on the lips within in seconds he kissed back and we where there in another arms kissing until he pulled us apart and said

Jake: "Why did you kiss me."

Erika: "Just shut up and kiss me."

I started laughing and he chuckled a little but attack me on the lips and we are both back to kissing again to where he walked us to the boxing ring and once we arrived he pulled apart from me and detach the ropes why I kissed his neck and he said

Jake: "Baby that tickles."

I just melted and looked him in the eyes and smile big and before I know it we are laying down on the boxing ring with him on top of me with the biggest smile I ever seen on his face and I just looked up at him and admired him from down here on this boxing ring of his and I honestly don't mind the position we are in because that's when I knew

Erika: "Jake."

Jake: "Yeah."

Erika: "I..."

You probably hate me for the cliffhanger but I will see you soon in the next chapter have a great day and goodbye and p.s. don't forget to comment or vote so I know what you think of this chapter bye again.

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