¢hapter eleven

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"He got my whore of mother pregnant and bought a house in the Northumberland. Well more land than a house. It was all surrounded by a big fence and it was huge. I believed we had all we needed and maybe we had eventually: a wood, a river and our own food. Chase and I would run around until the sun would set. But as my mothers illness got worse my mother took all of our money, changed her name and fucked off. I was trying to find her very long but it didn't made sense. She disappeared into thin air. And then daddy got worse and we had to help him after he had a very bad seizure. I was terrified that he would leave us and that I would have to take care after Chase. I wouldn't have any idea what to do. But through it all we went to the hospital and I didn't knew what to do. I didn't knew how to talk to people or what money was and things like water from the pipe. I was sure that was poisoned actually. And for sure I had no money and neither did my brother for sure. So we went working at the age of nine and twelve after someone cleared me up about what that weird thing called money was. Everyone was going crazy about money and I didn't understood why. So daddy didn't got better and he told us he'd love to go back to Birmingham. And so we came here. Fun story I know" She ranted as she continued eating to keep herself from drowning in her thoughts.

"Why didn't that bastard tell me?" Arthur asked breathlessly.

"Because" She breathed soundly."He was like me; to proud and to brave to ask any fucking person for fucking help and resisted to take it" She said her finger raised dangerously. "And that is the fucking demon"

"You should drink more" Lyana just chuckled at that replied hugging the blanket tighter. "But Lyana no one says that you have to be like Cas. You can be braver than he was and eventually ask for help before you die because of that either" Arthur took her hand carefully looking at her as she started sobbing quietly. "What is it love?" He asked concerned looking at the blonde softly.

"I miss him so much but I feel like I can't tell anyone because it would make me look weak and vulnerable" She cried silently wiping her tear away as fast as possible. Arthur took her suddenly in his arms pressing her towards his chest as much as possible. She was just everything he needed right now after Linda being a absolute cunt. He wasn't going to cry but feeling like a little connection to the girl wasn't that bad.

"Lyana you have to be brave so many times but not with us. The Shelby's are your family as well as they are Chase's" He whispered into her ear when he stroked her hair carefully." I not gonna let you stay on the streets. No one has to know but you're gonna stay with me"

"Arthur" She said as her voice broke. Arthur was no good man but in that really moment Lyana admired him. He did make her feel like he cared.

"You don't need to say anything love" He mumbled as they broke away still close. The man looked her into her kind eyes." But I ask for one thing in return" Her stomach felt heavy as she feared his next statement. " You'll have to talk to Finn. He's going mad"

"Is he?" She asked carefully. She knew she cared a lot about the ginger boy but she didn't thought he did care that much. In her mind he didn't thought that she was pretty.  He made her feel good; welcome, safe but thought she always questioned his feelings towards her. It was just a result from her very low self esteem. She would've loved herself but the city took her soul. In there she was just a scared pup that didn't trusted anyone; not even herself at that point.

"Lyana, he's totally head over heels for you. He was asking to marry you" Her heart stopped for a second as she glared at the man. "I shouldn't have said that" Arthur admitted with a smirk. She just stared into empty space zoning out imaging. Just imagining what was happening.

"I really have to talk to him" She said as she bothered looking up at Arthur with worry, fear and something undefinable in her dark eyes. Suddenly she stood up ready to run where ever she had to.

"Lya you have to calm down" Arthur chuckled as he grabbed her shoulders making her stand still looking in his eyes. "Go to his office then later. He's free then" Arthur said adored by the young love. Just wishing that their romance wouldn't be stupidly destroyed.

She just nodded wildly as joy flowed through her veins. Ever since she came to Birmingham everyone had been stepping onto her with heels even Isaiah until he figured out who she was. And then there came Finn and Lyana couldn't help but fall for him. Thinking about his ginger curls all the time as if they were something magical. She wanted to write thousands of poems about him. Even if this love may be young it could never be superficial. Lyana felt that deep connection to Finn that she couldn't even put in words. She felt accepted and for maybe the first time ever she felt secured in a family. And it was going to be her family. She hoped it would be soon. It was safe for her and for Chase. That was all she ever wanted. A family that would accept and protect her no matter what and a man that she would give his life for her. But through it all she knew the danger; the Shelby's were a high family.

They were the Peaky Blinders.

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