5- Jack

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I allow the fountain to wash over me as I lie on the side of it. It doesn't particularly bother me that I am getting wet and cold.

She's in love with me.

What to do now?

Life doesn't get much better than this.

I wonder where she's gone.

I get up and glide back through the maze to the palace, where I find her in an office. The look of intense concentration in her face is really attractive. I hover above a flowerbed between two windows and pass a few hours watching her, only hiding when she comes near the window. I don't want her to see me. I just want to watch her and love her.

At around sunset, which from the clock in her office is 5pm, she puts a paper down, turns away from the desk altogether and starts crying.

Noticing an open window the other side, I fly round and climb in. My foot slips off the sill and I fall onto the floor, via a wooden, rock-solid chair.

"Jack!" she exclaims.

"Sorry." I gulp. "What's wrong?"

She shakes her head and turns away.

I take both of her hands. "It's OK that you love me. Don't be embarrassed." I tuck a wave of hair behind her ear. "I love you too."

She looks up at me and I automatically smile. "You do?"

"Yes, Elsa."

I pull her up and wrap my arms around her waist. We're doing it this time. I've waited too long.

"Jack, are we doing that thing again?"

"Hell, yes." I pull her close to me and let my lips touch hers. They're cold and tender. Her hands rest on my shoulders and grip me tight.

After a moment of heaven, she pulls away to get some air. "Jack, that was amazing."

"Have you ever been kissed?"

She shakes her head. "Not before that."

My eyebrows involuntarily shoot up in surprise.

"Jack, can you do me a favour?"


She sighs. "It will part us for a few days but I know that I can trust you enough to do the job. Will you follow Prince Hans home?"

"Hans? The one who tried to kill you?"

"Will you please just make sure his parents get the note? I don't think they'll get it."

I am rather disappointed and she knows it. She kisses me again and strokes my cheek. "You know that I love you. I just need this one favour doing and you're the only one round here who can do it because he can't see you but you can see him. Please. Do this for me."

"Will you be using my lack of believers again? That's a very sensitive subject."

"No. I'm sorry for doing this to you."

I wordlessly get up but can't leave because her grip on my wrist is iron. "Do you want me to follow your damn prince or not?"

"Jack, please understand." she begs. "If he tampers with the letter, he could change the meaning of it and it has the possibility to plunge us into war."

My anger fades as I realise what she means. She needs me to prevent a war between Arendelle and the Southern Isles. Wherever they are.

"I'll do it." It will be a shame to leave her for so long, but if I can do this for her, it'll be the best thing I'll do.

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