Chapter 13

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••••••I'm sorry I have been slacking off when it comes to writing.
I've been really busy with school and my boyfriend.
I'm looking for a job then save up for a laptop (I'm using my iPhone to write so ima have short chapters but I will update 2) and my baby if I'm pregnant wish me luck.


3 month later

August pov
So I've been chilling with the wife all day. Mini is with his grandma for a few days, I have a surprise for her.

"Bae pack some bags!" I yelled from the bathroom
"Why? Where you trying to take me?" She asked walking into our  bathroom in her bra and thong.
"Aye if you wanna be able to walk on this trip then put something on." I said grabbing her Ass.
"No baby let go I have to pack remember." She said kissing me. 
"Okay go pack don't be taking all day we need to go get our son we leaving in two days." I said letting her go and slapping her ass as she walked out.
"Is he going with us?" She asked from our walk-in closet.
"If that's what you want then he can baby this trip is all for you." I said walking out the bathroom and laying down on the bed. 
"Well I would like for our first trip together to be as a family. But I understand. " she said a little disappointed.
"I will go pack his things cheer up." I said as she walked out with a lot of clothes in her hand.
"It's fine baby." She said with her head down looking at the clothes she picked out for the trip.
"Come here." I said grabbing her hand.
"Yes Alsina?" She said sitting on me.
"You're right our first trip should be as a family and I'm okay with that baby so don't feel like you messed anything up." I said kissing her.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Yes 100%!" I said
"Well before we go I have a gift for you!" She said smiling handing me a back bag. 

*what do you think is in the bag.
*Next update coming today.

A Sevyn Alsina StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora