Foreign Surroundings

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That night, in an angry rage, Mowgli entered the man village and was captured. Zaria waited only a little while before entering herself, cleverly picking the lock and slipping in with Mowgli. When he awoke a short while later, he didn't question how his sister got in, simply ran into her embrace and held on as though she'd disappear when he let go. Zaria didn't say much, just stroked his hair and whispered comforting words into his ear. In the back of her mind, she realized she had become his mother. Thanks to her influence, Mowgli was a more or less silent patient. When Zaria ate, so did he. He hated the taste of the food, but if Zaria could eat it then it must be safe.

"Zaria, how old are you?" The question caught her by surprise, but as she thought about it she realized it shouldn't have, they were both bored. Anxious to see what would happen to them, but bored nonetheless.

"I don't know, older than you." It was the third night they were in their cage; Zaria was sitting up with Mowgli on her back, his arms slung around her neck but hands locked, like a baby monkey clinging to his mother.

"Why did you leave the jungle?" "To look out for you." She didn't need to look at him to know he was beaming, but the joy was short-lived as another thought crossed his mind. "How...did you get into the jungle?" He felt her stiffen, back alined with his stomach. She lowered her head with a defeated sigh.

"I was...a girl, smaller than you, weak and fragile. Bagheera found me one day when I had run away from my family and raised me." He lay his cheek against her shoulder blade, playing with her brown hair, he had grown fond its texture. "Do you remember them? Your family?" She continued to look out on the darkness. "No, and I think it'd be best if I never do." She slumped to the ground, careful not to shake off the man-cub, and rested her face on her hands. Mowgli hesitated before speaking again.

"Zaria...does Shere-Khan love you?"

Her reaction was less severe then she expected; a light chill passing through her veins, a faint jolt that was enough to keep her eyes open for a little while longer, a short pause as she thought about it before answering in a sure voice;

"If he did, he would've said so by now." Before closing her eyes. Mowgli didn't know much about love but somehow he sensed his sister was lying. Little did he know, but a small part of her was feeling the exact same way.

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