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'I love him but unfortunate he does not return the same feeling to me , he thinks of me as his best friend his younger sister since he is 2 years older from me but I am sick in love with him as they say there is no friendship between woman and man , I know what you think I am a male but not quite too I am a ger I am more familiar to be called woman after all I can give birth to children and even breastfeeding them AAA!!!! but still I wish he love me I want to be his wife that will be by his side forever , some thing hurting me lately kenyon who is the name of my love and my name is yuki , kenyon keep his distance from me treating me as a stranger or even worse just because that slut rui qin excuse me for trying to rape her really what a liar just because she is jealous of our relationship together and also excuse me that the reason iam with him because he is the next emperor and that I want his money and glory and more stupid that he really believes a woman he met for 2 months over someone he knows for whole 7 years and the truth here that slut is the one that wants the glory for being the next empress, I saw her making many scums and I always protect him and try to tell him the truth but she will act crying and I got slap at the after the same thing happen for 3 months so my love turn to hatred then I broke my relation with him but our relation worse up more after I went to the emperor party not because his son loves me but since my father is the right prime minister of the emperor even so kenyon never look at me and even if he glances at me with mistake a disgusting sign appear' yuki said

author pov

Yuki was drinking some wine then he glances at rui by the help of the mirror in front of him putting something in the wine then she went to give it to Kenyon to drink it an idiot can tell is some kind of sleep powder to make him sleep with her to achieve her ultimate goal to become the next empress but she was sure that he loves her so she put a powder that making someone wild to the person he loves and lost his sense and never remember anything but no one knows the truth behind Kenyon feeling

Kenyon pov

I met rui and see she is my type but after being here I got bored from her and her nagging but I notice my family toward Yuki I love him but after she told me that he must be using I was angry I know him for whole 7years and I trust him but my doubt didn't leave me since my father always tell me to not believe anyone since they are waiting to break me up and took the empire, I beg my father to call Yuki to come as son of his friend not that I call him when he came he lost very much weight that his bone appear I was sad to see him that I feel wrong to call him up since I feel being greedy and selfish but when I notice he is peeking at me I start to relax and do show my care for him then I notice him getting angry and turn his face cutely like a kitten that got her food taken from her I laughed from inside my heart and then rui wake me up and I turn to her while thinking about what a pain she is like a glue stuck to me, she was holding a cup of wine I notice it my be one of her scum so I ignore her and peek 👀where yuki is he was leaving by entering to the room that goes to the main hall where you can leave from the palace so while I was going to catch him I notice rui put the cup at my mouth and pour it all I was suprise I notice her showing her shoulder to me then without knowing a power gave me to push her to ground and went after yuki and while going I still can hear people murmuring  about us but I didnot care I follow yuki and when I caught him and took his arm everything blackout

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