Chapter 1 .:. Late Leaf-Bare

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ill put what season it is in the chapter name, so it doesn't get confusing lol. also italics mean Hailpaws thoughts


     Great StarClan, im hungry! When are we going to be done training? It feels like its been moons! 

     " Hailpaw, Pay attention! " snapped Smokeheather. " You have the attention span of a kit! " her mentor scolded, lashing her tail. Hailpaw lowered her head.

     " Sorry, Smokeheather. I'm just really hungry. " the blue-gray apprentice meowed. Smokeheather perked her ears at the mention of prey.

     " Well, then why don't you go and hunt? If you bring back at least 3 impressive catches, you can eat one yourself. " the she-cat suggested. Hailpaw nodded excitedly, and raced off into the forest. 

    Hailpaw opened her jaws, trying to find even the faintest scent of prey. as she padded through the snow-covered forest, she heard scuffling from her right, and perked her ears. Under the scent of the other cats in patrols that had passed through, she scented a vole. She crept forward, remembering all that Smokeheather had taught her about hunting. Weight on your front, don't move your tail, concentrate..!


She had stepped on a stick, causing it to snap in half and alert the vole.

    The voles head lifted. The blue-gray she froze, keeping still and low. After a few moments it turned back to what it was doing. She crept forward some more, and when she was sure she was close enough she pounced. The vole immediately saw the ShineClan appretnice and raced away. Though the she-cat was faster, and before it could dart out of her reach she slammed her paw down. It let out half a squeal suddenly going silent and still. She covered the creature up with some dirt in a bare patch under a tree, and padded off to find some more prey. 


     Hailpaw padded back to the Training Boulder with her vole, muskrat (of which she found near the frozen stream), and shrew. She was pleased with her catches and was sure that her mentor was going to be too, considering that the prey were all quite plump for it being late Leaf-Bare. I hope Smokeheather is impressed, she's kind of hard to please.. Hailpaw nearly jumped out of her pelt as she heard pawsteps behind her. She whipped around and sighed in relief as she saw it was merely her mentor, padding through the slushy snow-melt towards her apprentice.

     " Impressive catches, Hailpaw. Its almost New-Leaf, so i assumed prey would be coming back out again. You can have that shrew, too. " Smokeheather meowed. Hailpaw dipped her head in embarrassment from the praise. I tried to catch a pheasant, to. That didn't happen. I'll try harder next time, and work on my timing. I'll do my best to serve ShineClan!

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