Chapter 2 .:. Late Leaf-Bare

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    guys go follow my friend, she is also writing a book.  SoulfulStoryWriter

   As soon as Hailpaw returned to camp with Smokeheather, she took her vole to the elders, and deposited the muskrat in the fresh-kill pile. This makes eating even better! I can listen to Bravehearts' stories, and eat my shrew that i caught. Hailpaw felt a surge of pride.

     " Hello Hailpaw. Nice to see you again, " the ShineClan elder rasped. Hailpaw dipped her head in respect and dropped the vole at her paws. 

     " Thanks for the vole, Hailstar. " Braveheart meowed, and though she was smiling in her thoughts Hailpaw was confused. Who in StarClans name is Hailstar?

She looked  at the elder in confusion, and tilted her head. She hesitated for a heartbeat, then spoke. " Erm, Braveheart, who's Hailstar? " she meowed hesitantly.  Braveheart stared at her, and her eyes widened as she realized her mistake. She shook her head.

     "  No cat you need to worry about. Thanks for the vole, though. " Braveheart responded warily. Hailpaw nodded, and started to eat her shrew and thought of what the elder had told her about the mysterious Hailstar.

The Next Morning..

     Hailpaw yawned as she padded over the rest of the cats going on the dawn patrol. Noticing her presence, Grasshollow nodded in acknowledgment. Cedarstreak simply flicked his pointy, tufted ears and glanced at his appretince, Blackpaw. She greeted her with an annoyed flick of her tail. What a condescending mouse-brain that she-cat is, Hailpaw thought, before seeing a paw in front of her face. She blinked a few times before shaking her fur and clearing her throat as she glanced around nervously.

     " Well, are we going or not? The Clan is going to starve with how long we're taking,  " joked Smokeheather, rolling her eyes. Blackpaw only sneered at her. The brown tabby flicked her ear, and the patrol took off into the forest. They padded through the forest, and emerged from the thick undergrowth next to the Thundersnake Path. She heard a loud thrumming, and saw the large Snake coming. The cats quickly slid back into the undergrowth and padded away to go hunt as the loud sound of the snake came and went. Soon enough, they found themselves going along PeakClan border, and spotted a patrol coming their way. Trouble is here.. Hailpaw thought, rolling her eyes as they came to a halt.

     " What do the flea-pelts want now? All they do is hide up in their precious mountains! " Blackpaw snarled. As the PeakClan cats approached it looked like it was just the medicine cats. Cedarstreak gave a curt nod.

     " Mosspuddle, Raccoonbird. What brings you two to the border? " the tom asked, trying his hardest not to show any hostility. Mosspuddle dipped his head.

     " Our Clan is getting picked off one by one while hunting because even the guards aren't strong enough, " Mosspuddle began. " After the raid, we are struggling to rebuild our camp. There are barely any herbs because we had just renewed our stock the night of the raid, " Raccoonbird butted in, " so we have come to request that Sunnystar send over some of your warriors to help us rebuild, hunt, and replenish our herb store. " the tom finished. Hailpaw looked at them, and wanted to say that it isnt ShineClan buisness, but held her tongue. Sunnystar was the judge of that.  They padded back through, and picked up their prey as they went. As soon as they got back, they deposited their prey. Smokeheather, Cedarstreak and Grasshollow padded to the leaders den with the medicine cats by their side. Surprisingly, Smokeheather, with her fluffy tail, motioned for her to follow. Hesitantly, the blue-gray she-cat  padded with them.

     " Cedarstreak, Grasshollow Smokeheather- and Hailpaw. What do these medicine cats require? " meowed Sunnystar, and Shellsong just stared at the PeakClan Cats with narrowed eyes.

     " They have come to request that you send some warriors over to their camp to help hunt, rebuild, and gather herbs. " Grasshollow mewed. Sunnystar rolled his eyes.

     " How is this of our concern, or business? Surely Sunstar can take care of her own clan.  And herb collecting? " Raccoonbird hissed slightly as Sunnystar continued. " That just means less cats on the battlefield. Plus, what do we even get out of this? It seems as though you're bluffing. It doesn't matter a whisker to me. " He yawned, and to Hailpaws dismay he flicked his tail to dismiss them. Raccoonbird hissed in fury, looking as though Sunnystar was a fox and he wanted him to be chased off their territory while Mosspuddle just narrowed his eyes at Sunnystar as he tried to calm his apprentice down.

     " None of your concern? None of your business? We were allies in the war! And, it even states in the warrior code that in a time of need, the clans must- " Sunnystar cut Mosspuddle off with a lash of his tail.

     " This is a load of kitten fluff. I don't care about what the warrior code wants, we are being tricked to help you so you can finally have a strong ally on your side! " Hailpaw remembered about Sunnystar's whole speech about simply using PeakClan as a pawn. She shivered. "That didn't work out so well last time, hmm? " sneered Sunnystar. Raccoonbird hissed, and leaped in front the leader as he was about to dismiss them for the last time. 

     " You are not making a good decision, you fox-hearted scoundrel! PeakClan will get revenge..! " snarled Raccoonbird, leaping at the leader. Sunnystar spat, and knocked the tom away with his claws, leaving large claw marks along his stomach.

     " Leave now. You are unwelcome here, you leaf-hearted mountain dwellers. " he hissed. " We don't want anything to do with weak cats who hide in the mountains. " he finished with a hiss, adding extra venom on 'mountains'. Who in StarClans name made dirt in his fresh-kill? His tongue about has the strength of LionClan, TigerClan, LeopardClan, and LynxClan combined! Hailpaw wondered why her leader had acted with such hostility to the Medicine cats as she padded to the apprentices den.

Sunnystar's POV;

     He flicked his tail at his warriors. " Go ahead and pick yourselves some fresh-kill. I'll adress this with you all later. " My warriors are stronger than those pebble-hearts. They want my help? Well, Sunflight, the answer is No. I think i made it clear to those pathetic excuses for medicine cats you sent me. I suppose i'll have to make it clear ShineClan wants nothing to do with you if you don't stop these pitiful attempts at reconciliation, I suppose I'll have to make you see it by force.

Woah sunny boy! You uh- you really- O.O 

Okay so here are some phrases used by these clans. 

No smarter than a rat in a Two-leg Dirtplace!  - a rather harsh, mean insult that is the same as; No smarter than an hawks egg! used by PeakClan. used to insult a cat about their intelligence.

Leaf-hearted Mountain dwellers! - Used mainly by ShineClan to insult PeakClan.

Crazier than an eagle in a fit! - used by PeakClan to call cats crazy. Same meaning as Madder than a lynx in a fit,  which is also used by PeakClan.

okay thats all im writing chapter 3 now <3 see ya

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