Chapter 4 .:. Early New-Leaf

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     Hailpaws' head throbbed as she opened her eyes. She couldn't hear the roaring of the waterfall anymore, and she hesitated before lifting her head. She groaned, and looked at her front paw lying limply at her side wrapped in cobwebs and sticks bound together with bindweed. 

     She tried to stand up, and hissed in pain when her paw stung. She looked around her, and realized she was in the Medicine Den. She saw Pikewatcher padding over, and she relaxed. 

     " How's your paw doing, Hailpaw? " He meowed, his eyes round with worry.

     " Its hurting a bit, and my back is hurting too. Other than that, nothing else. " She mewed as she tapped her good paw on the ground. She looked around, her surroundings familiar. Her eyes widened as she saw Cloverpaw in a nest across from her. She glared at his sleeping form with fury before turning away with a huff. She heard pawsteps from the entrance of the den and lifted her head

     " I brought you a vole. " Smokeheather mewed, setting the fresh-kill down in front of her. Hailpaw nodded in thanks, and began to eat the vole in small bites.

     " Why is he here? " she asked, looking at the PeakClan apprentice. Smokeheather sighed, shaking her head. 

     " Don't blame him. It's not his fault. " she meowed. Hailpaw snorted. Didn't even answer my question, She thought crossly. Smokeheather emerged from the brambles with soaked moss in her jaws. Hailpaw hadn't realized she had left. And I didn't know how thirsty i was, she thought as her mentor laid it down in front of her. She lapped at the moss, relishing the clear taste compared to the muddy flood water she had tasted at the gorge. She finished, lying her head on her paws. She closed her eyes, slowly drifting off.

     The next day, Hailpaw woke up to a prod in the back. She groaned, turning about in her nest, trying her best not to hurt her paw. She opened her eyes, and saw Cloverpaw beside her nest. A low growl rumbled in her throat as she looked at the tom. You leaf-hearted prey-stealer! I don't want your pity, you almost killed me! She turned back over, not daring to look at his face. He sighed.

     " Look, I'm sorry about your paw. " he meowed. About to respond, Hailpaw opened her jaws. But she was interrupted by his big fat mouth. " But, you know, you were the one who pushed me in first. " he pointed out smugly. Hailpaw bristled, her tail bushing out. 

     " If you hadn't come so deep into our territory and picked a fight with us, " she blurted. " Nothing would have happened! " she snarled at him. He looked taken aback, and shame was present in his eyes, but he only growled.

      " You greedy fat ShineClan cats! You don't know how to be kind. We help you in a war and this is how you repay us? " he hissed, turning and stomping out of the den. Hailpaw snarled at him as he left.

     " Fine, you twig! " he didn't acknowledge her insult. Hailpaw sighed, and sat her head on her paws.

It's going to be a long stay in here...


     hey guys! im finally back into writing on here, and i'm even publishing a new book! crazy, right? anyway, that book will be my main focus for a while, so the fallen ones won't be getting many updates. anyway, bye! 😊

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