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Angelia was laying on her bed watching Vienna. Angelia had moved out to the sorority dorms in college with Vienna as her room mate. She was housed in a highly secure building with cameras, alarms and a security gate beyond the gardens of the place that was donated to the college by the Rosario and O'Neil family. The set of sorority buildings was opposite the location where highly secure fraternity buildings were, where Viggo was staying.

Angelia looked at the clock. She wished Viggo was there. But he wasn't. She had to be by herself living with other girls. She missed Viggo and didn't know if emotionally she was ready. After the death of her parents and entire family she was still mourning. Viggo was helping her with the trauma. He was a godsend boyfriend who was so patient and understanding of her needs. She wished she lived with him.

Angelia glanced at her side table and saw a card that said "Be your own hero" next to a picture of a fist. She took a deep breath. That card was from Viggo. He had fate in her to not drop out of college like how everyone else predicted and was waiting for. She was ready to leave there and then. But then she repeated to herself "be your own hero". She had to save herself because studying in college was not anything Viggo could do for her. She had to. He couldn't hold her hand all the time. Her health had improved but she wasn't sure if she was ready to take on such a big challenge like college life. But again Viggo had an answer to everything. He said "Angelia. There is never a time when you maybe truly ready for college. No one is. But be your own hero. Use your super powers and save your education." His words rang in her ears. He was an angel.

She sighed and turned to watch Vienna again. She was fascinating. Vienna still was unpacking her bags. She had so much to unpack and she took her time placing everything neatly where it was meant to be. It was a good thing their room was king size. Adele Rosario had packed Vienna's bags with so many supplies, it was unbelievable. The packaging was even too beautiful to open. Vienna had so much of everything and only the best. Angelia had finished packing ages ago.

Angelia asked "Vienna... How are you feeling?"

Vienna said as she was unpacking "I couldn't be happier. I feel free. I feel liberated. But I feel strange. I dont know how to explain it..."

Angelia smiled "You feel rebellious. Dont you?"

Vienna said "I suppose... You can say that... I thought I would be married by now you know. Everyone bet on it that Tristan was going to propose when he turned eighteen. But it didnt happen. Just like my brother Vincenzo didnt ask Terza to marry on his eighteenth birthday... It helps you know. Knowing boys can wait longer for us to enjoy the single life abit more. So you are right. I like to rebel and be single but not in a bad way... I like to try new things and meet new people."

Angelia said " You are already popular. Do you know what the kids on campus call you? You have a nickname."

Vienna chuckled "How can I have a nickname? We have been to college for a welcome day only. Lessons haven't even started yet."

Angelia said "Well you do have a nickname. You are popular. They call you... "the goddess..."

Vienna laughed "I am no goddess." She then carried on with putting her clothes on hangers.

"You are much more if you ask me." Angelia could see how innocent Vienna was. She didnt associate the nickname with her beauty. Vienna was already the talk of the guys and girls. Vienna was beautiful. She truly was. It was Adele Rosario's genes. Angelia had ran out of number of times girls knocked to just talk to Vienna and invite her to their friend's parties who wanted to party with the goddess meaning all the popular kids would have come. Vienna did like to party alot. But Angelia wasn't sure if Tristan would have liked that. Vienna didnt want to take Tristan if he wasn't going to agree to her having a normal time. Vienna wanted some normal time. Tristan had other ideas by far.

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