Night of no end.

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Angelia left the dorm rooms giving Vienna and Tristan some space. When she went outside, she sat on a bench and waited for Viggo. He had to come. He always did.

Angelia felt cold. It wasn't cold but she felt cold. She was shivering almost. She was coming off her medication and only had sleeping pills prescribed only these days. There were side effects. Viggo was patient with her mood swings, fevers and shivers. No one else would have if they were Viggo. He could be with anyone. He could choose any girl to be his girlfriend but he chose her and she couldn't believe at times why Viggo was so nice to her and never got mad unless she talked of hurting herself or asking Viggo to do it. She always saw viggo's firm side who showed displeasure when needed.

Minutes later she was handed a note written by Viggo by the duty matron. The note said Viggo was going to be coming back late and couldnt come back to the accommodation until later on.

She made up her mind. She called for a lift and made her way where she wanted to feel some peace.


The ride to the cemetery was a lonely one but it wasn't long. She stood in front of the graves of her parents and said "Hi mum. Hi dad." She then sat down on the ground she hugged her knees to her chest. "I am starting college. Its hard to live and breathe let alone study. I dont know what I am going to do..." She then broke in tears. "I miss you."

She closed her eyes and absorbed the cold. It was hard to feel anything beside the cold now that she felt alone.


When Viggo arrived with his car at his accommodation, he heard about Angelia. He sighed. He wished he didnt have to be late. He called for a ride and made his way to where she was. When he saw Angelia at the grave yard  in the cold but her eyes were closed. It seemed like she was sleeping in seated form. She didnt sleep much at night. She had nightmares some nights still. He walked to her. Slowly he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up bridal style as he carried her to the car. He set her down and took his coat off and placed it on her. He then got into the car.


The next time Angelia opened her eyes she found herself in a room that seemed like a private section of a restaurant. Only she was laying on a bench in the corner as Viggo was talking on a telephone in the opposite corner. She recognised the place. This was one of Rosario restaurant branches. This was where he liked to unwind. She took a deep breath. She watched Viggo from far and thought about how much he had given up for her. She never saw herself worthy of him. He hated it when she spoke her thoughts about it out loud. She sometimes asked him did she wonder who Viggo would have picked as his girl if they never met. Viggo always said "There was always you. Only you. There will always be just you."

Viggo put down the telephone and turned to Angelia. He took in a deep breath as he noticed Angelia was sitting up and was awake now. He smiled "Are you alright?"

Angelia said "Yes. I am fine."

Viggo walked to her and stared at her silently as he sat next to her. He waited for her to speak but she didnt. He sighed "Angelia. Whats on your mind? Do you want to talk about it?"

Angelia said "No. I am fine Viggo. I went to say hi to my parents and then fell asleep."

Viggo sighed "This is the 5th time this week..."

Angelia said "I miss them. Its college time. We all need our parents in college... It will pass..."

Viggo shook his head "It does not need to pass Angelia. I am right here with you. I am just worried you are bottling up too much..." He held her hand in his and then lifted it to his lips. He planted a kiss on her hand.

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