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"Apocalyptic mode? Oh, God, my video games did NOT prepare me for this."

Shielding his face with his arms, Felix stumbled through the mass of white around him, desperately trying to look for his friends. He'd always been down for adventure and risk, but this time, it was too much for him.

"I just want to find Woojin and Channie hyung."

He was all alone, without anyone to protect him, and he was, not that he'd ever admitted it before, kind of small and scrawny. And seeing as he was surrounded by people mostly tougher and bigger than him, he was expecting a few bruises.

"Just my luck."

Of course, because he never followed the rest, he was going against the tide, giving up on finding the others and just wanting to be able to breathe.

Chan's going to murder me. Forget Aussie brotherhood.

He saw an escape route in between two walls, big enough for him to fit in. Using his arms as if swimming, Felix pushed everyone else aside to reach the gap, letting out an exhausted sigh as he squeezed through. He leaned against the wall for a minute, savouring the feeling of being able to breathe.

The crowd was beginning to thin, but he still wasn't going to go back out there. Sure, he was scared, terrified actually, however he still wanted to know what was happening. And he wasn't going to get an answer by waiting with everyone else.

Turning around, he realised the gap was more than a gap, but some sort of back path, an alleyway. It was surprising, because this one was one he had never been through before. And he, along with Minho, Jisung, Hyunjin and Jeongin - occasionally Changbin too - had discovered plenty of those on their 'adventures'.

Hands on each wall to guide him, Felix navigated through the dimly lit alleyway. His eyes were squinted, trying to adjust to the darkness as he turned a corner, and immediately turned back. A guard was standing there - three, actually- along with two scientists in white coats and a buff man he had never seen before.

"- we're not sure who it is, Sir, but we think it may be Agent 220994 ,"one of the guards said under his breath.

At this, Felix perked up. That sounded like the names they were given, but this intruder was labelled as 'Agent' instead of 'Experiment'.

"What?"the unknown man exclaimed quietly. "But why would he be back here? Once you leave, you cannot return here for he risks contaminating us. I told him that if he needs anything, he can use his watch to contact us."

Contamination? Watches? Leave and return?

"He shouldn't be here,"the man concluded, crossing his arms. "And Chan... if Chan finds out that he is still alive then ,well, our entire plan will be ruined."

Chan? What does Chan have to do with this?

Felix was so deep in thought, wondering about whether he should tell Chan or not, that he didn't realise the group was advancing towards him. The footsteps broke his trance and he went right into panic mode, not daring to move but aware that he was metres from getting found out. If he moved, they would most definitely hear him. He closed his eyes and prayed to the god of video games.


Oh, thank you, god of video games.

Using the loud, robotic voice to his advantage, he sprinted back down the alleyway into the now empty main path, looking up at the huge roof above his head that enclosed the entire of District 9, the windows it was made of tinted black so that it constantly looked like night.

Letting out a breath of relief, he waved away the cloud that emitted from his mouth and wasted no more time, rushing off down another path in case the group of men caught him.

To say he was confused was putting it simply.

"There are agents?"he panted quietly to himself as he ran. "What are the agents for? Who was that man?"

Then he suddenly realised something. Slowing to a walk, he eventually came to a stop as he strained his ears to listen, needing to hear over his own footsteps. He could hear it: the distant, heavy breathing.

Someone was following him.

The panic rose up in him once again, but he didn't run. It was only one person by the sound of it. If worse came to worse, the taekwondo skills that he'd kept a secret might come in handy.

The person was coming from somewhere behind him, so he turned around and waited for them to appear. It was like a scene from right out of a horror movie. The laboured breaths approached closer, the hammering of his heart echoing in his ears, the thrill and yet dread at the situation causing adrenaline to race through his veins. He saw a foot come around the corner.

Unlike him, this person was dressed in black, the complete opposite to him. He thought it might have been a guard, since they were all dressed in black too, and forgetting his plan to use taekwondo, Felix prepared to turn and sprint. But this person was younger and had a slimmer frame than the guards. He didn't have the brute force vibe around him, and his whole demeanour emanated fear, like a deer caught in headlights.

The unknown person's steps faltered slightly, walking slowly towards Felix once realising he wasn't a threat, though he still held his hands up as if not wanting to cause any panic and draw attention to them.

And then Felix realised, and felt stupid for not putting it together sooner. He hadn't known him for long before he disappeared, and he had matured a little and gotten taller since he last saw him, but it was suddenly obvious who this person was. The pretty face, the big eyes, the cheeky gleam in his eyes. He felt stupid for not being able to notice from a mile away. Felix finally found his voice.


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