What's going on?!

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Finally! School is over and- great, I forgot that I'm visiting my aunt and my annoying cousins.

When I got home and went to change from my uniform I saw a box with my favorite anime show imprinted on the box cover. I was surprised that it was in my room, my parents couldn't even afford this since we are sorta low on money. Well, I might just open this then.

Something strange happened when I opened the box, first it started to shake, then it burst opened and just like outta nowhere bursts of wind came inside from my window and started to somehow get inside the opened box, papers around my room went inside the box as well then I was also getting dragged, I screamed but no one came running to my room, I was being swallowed inside the box and then complete darkness.

I opened my eyes and saw nothing but darkness, I called out to someone but the silence was the only response I got. I tried again but this time a light just came on and flashed me in my face, it was too bright that I covered my face.

When the flash of light was gone, I was face to face with three doors in front of me, the doors all had a symbol and a name, the first door; being the words of Naruto and the Uzumaki symbol, second door, it was the same as the first door but with a different symbol the Uchiha symbol, and the third door the same as the first and second door, but with the Senju symbol.

Do I have to choose a door? I thought. I reached out to the Uchiha door but I was stopped suddenly by a burst of wind. Right in from me was a person with a cloak and mask on.

"Seraphina" the person said, "are you willing to leave everything that you once had and come to a new world?".

I was surprised that this person knew my name, and I wasn't sure what to do, I wanted to leave home, my parents are like the worst thing that I had to live in. So I decided to be- wait a minute...could it be that my wish that I made last night has come to a reality?

The person looked at me, I wasn't sure if the person was confused, or expressing another expression because of the mask. I looked into the person eyes and saw a glimpse of blue eyes, I thought for a moment then I had responded.

"Yes", I said ,"I'm willing to leave everything behind and change my life to a whole new world". I thought if I was making the correct decision.

The person tooked off the mask and smiled, when I looked at this person I wasn't really sure what to say, I was so shocked and surprised, I sputtered out my words but it was nonsense.

He reached his hand out and I took his hand into a handshake, we both smiled and he gestured me towards the three doors.

"Make the correct decision and view this new world that you're about to see, Seraphina", he said, "three doors, one destiny to a new life, decision is yours".

"Hold on", I said ,"how will I know if I'm ready to do this? How can I choose the correct path?".

The man chuckled, "It's not my decision, it's yours, three clans, Uzumaki, Uchiha, and Senju. These are your three options to decide which clan you'll belong".

I turned back to the doors and looked at each one of them, I thought to myself and reminded myself about the moments that each character had experienced, Uchiha most likely to be dead, Senju well can't really remember that much, and Uzumaki was one of my favorite clans.

Which door should I choose?

I made a decision and looked back towards the masked man, but he was gone. I reached out to grab the first door handle and was inside the Naruto world for the first time in my life.

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